Talking in the elk woods?


Nov 28, 2016
West Virginia
How much / loud do your and your hunting partner talk when you’re not seeing elk?

As good as people say an elk can hear is normal conversation a big warning to elk even on the next ridge?
I live near a trailhead so i get to listen to people as they hike. I can hear a normal conversation from a really long ways off. I bet an elk can hear a stansard conversation voice from a half mile in the forest without any effort.
I grew up hunting white tails and it was engrained in my to be super quiet so I normally continue to do that no matter what I'm hunting for. Really I just enjoy the serenity of the woods and hearing what else is going on around me. I do see elk that way but who knows. I've also been out in between seasons just hiking, scouting, shooting the bull with my dog running around like a crazy man look up and have a herd bedded 300 yards away acting like nothing is going on. Also had plenty of deer just standing there looking at you from closer. The wind has always been in our favor in those instances.
Voices carry a long way as has been stated. Does it matter? Depends on the amount of human traffic in those elk woods. I've called them within earshot of hikers. I've also seem them clam up and start moving away from the hikers. In both cases, the elk had the hikers pegged, and I'm pretty sure they would have left if the hikers all of a sudden sounded like elk.

We whisper if needed, but usually have made a plan well in advance and hand signals are all that we need.

On a clear, calm day, I've heard people talking more than 1/2 mile away. And no, they were not yelling at each other. I was shocked their voices were carrying that far. Last year I heard two cowboys on horseback talking 10 minutes before I saw them. I could hear them long before I could hear the horses. Here again, it was a very clear, calm day. My hunting buddy is hard of hearing so instead of talking, we use sign language and a pocket of rocks. Yep, I'll throw a rock to get his attention.
It really depends, like everything. Maybe a half mile, maybe 50 yds. I’ve experienced both, just like bugles. I had a bull bugling with me at 50 yds for 15 min and just on the other side of a rise, my buddy maybe 150 yds away, didn’t hear a thing.
My natural voice projects too much. If we’re having a conversation on the mountain or in the woods, it’s in hushed tones, “close talking”
My hunting partner likes to talk so much that I sit about 30 yards away from him “to get a different viewing angle”.
I've pissed some people off because I've done that. Or just left and hunted solo. Voices carry a long ways. A very long ways.

My voice is always a whisper in the elk woods.

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I've pissed some people off because I've done that. Or just left and hunted solo. Voices carry a long ways. A very long ways.

My voice is always a whisper in the elk woods.

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Yah I agree Marble.
You wait all year, you might as well get in a good hunt.
On a clear, calm day, I've heard people talking more than 1/2 mile away. And no, they were not yelling at each other. I was shocked their voices were carrying that far. Last year I heard two cowboys on horseback talking 10 minutes before I saw them. I could hear them long before I could hear the horses. Here again, it was a very clear, calm day. My hunting buddy is hard of hearing so instead of talking, we use sign language and a pocket of rocks. Yep, I'll throw a rock to get his attention.
I’ve heard the same thing a few years ago in the Gila. I was up on a ridge when suddenly I heard voices that sounded like they were within a hundred yards. 15 minutes later a couple wranglers rode by within 100 yards. They were just talking in normal voices having conversation on the trail.