Taking a new friend moose hunting


Feb 10, 2023
This last spring I took a chance. I invited Jordan Jonnas to come up and go moose hunting. And he accepted. I've not met many folks with such a great attitude about life. Always happy and positive. Him and his buddy found a antler drop and came across what could have been a brown bear. They heard a loud crashing then nothing for a bit then crashing off again. The tall grass in the area was trampled pretty good. Kinda like a big bear on a salmon stream.
Hey I'm having a great time and making some great memories with a couple new friends. Exactly what the bush can do to people. Especially when you're remote. And having a couple fellas that are still strong and not all beat up to help with the heavy chores is nice. And while they are cruising around the bush I'm sitting on the deck chilling. We have fresh dried birch chantrel mushrooms and so other ones. Fresh ground moose and steaks thanks to our son and sockeye salmon to go with the rooms. Chaga tea on the stove. And a nice warm bed each night. Yeah I'm having a ball.
The moose have been scare. To many wolves n bears. And the heavy deep snow loads we have had the last couple years I suspect. Don't even have the normally present spruce hens and swans. But this is hunting. And just the opportunity to harvest a moose or wolves is enough for me. And now I have some great memories. Thanks to another friend that was willing to come up n check things out.
I'll try a picture but not good reception. Hey folks don't be afraid to open new doors. I know I feel blessed


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