Tailor’s Bunion/Bunionette


Jun 6, 2016
I’ve got pinky toe bunions on both feet - commonly known as Bunionettes or Tailor’s Bunions. They are progressively getting wider and worse. Wearing footwear with a wide toe box will address the symptoms, but to my knowledge the only way to fix the problem is with surgery. There are different types of surgery procedures to fix the problem…. The VA is pitching the “shave the bone and install a screw to straighten the toe” version. I have yet to get a civilian doctor to take a look at it. The recovery is 6 weeks per foot.

For the crowd, has anyone had surgery for this? If so, what flavor of surgery (there are a few different methods for fixing it)? What were your results, lessons learned, etc? Any other thoughts or recommendations if you were in my painful and messed up shoes?

For more feet pics, follow my onlyfans page.

In the same boat, currently the va is buying me orthotics and shoes, but boots are getting more difficult, need 6ee. My biggest worry is the dr was very honest. The foot is the most delicate complex set of bone structure and highest failure rate. I also have arthritis setting in so it’s inflamed all the time. Good luck.
My wife had both feet done separately for the same issue. Bone shaved, toe pinned.

She has a very faint scar on each foot from the bone shave, but you wouldn't know it was there unless you were looking for it. Otherwise, her feet look normal now.

The post surgery was painful for about a week and she had to keep the foot elevated for quite some time during recovery. But she can wear sandals and any boots or shoes she wants now with no issues.

I'm sure you would be really happy with the results. So if you have the time to get them done...just get it over with.
Was the recovery 6 weeks per foot to start "load bearing" activity like rucking and running again, or just to be able to comfortably walk?
Was the recovery 6 weeks per foot to start "load bearing" activity like rucking and running again, or just to be able to comfortably walk?
I think 6 weeks to start normal activities like going back to work. I asked if I could hobble around work after 4 weeks and they said 6 weeks. I imagine high impact activities like running would be longer. They also won’t do the feet at the same time. They have to be 6 weeks apart, so that’s 3 months off work.
I dropped a Jeep starter on foot about 5 yrs ago...never went to the Dr. Horrible bone spurs, mangled growth back...they went in last year and did basically bunion surgery to fix it, nuckle of my big toe...shaved, cut the bone aligned it back up and used screws, luckily it was one one foot.
Took me almost a year to get back 100%, I am almost 50. The bone growth was as predicted, what I wasn't counting on was the attraphy from being in a boot for 3 months...all the stabilizer muscles for my ankle was shot..that took much longer to get back than the bone healing...highly recommend BP157 after the surgery to help with healing...I took an oral for 6 weeks after sugery. YMMV
Glad I did it no pain now and my boots fit again...the bone spur had gotten so big you could see thru my running shoes, couldn't wear steal toe boots...lol
You're gonna get real tired of not being able to drive real fast...