I'm doomed...bwahaha.
Shooting trad passionately for 50+ years finally snag a compound... still shoot turkey feathers dickin around but bought some,what I thought were cool looking vanes and will give you two guesses what they are?
Haven't had any problems other than tearing them up shooting groups... in fact glued up 4 new broadhead arrows this morning. Using a Bitzenburger with a few degrees of offset. Scrub the chitzky out of the shafts with acetone and steel wool,halfa$$ wipe off vane and glue them with platinum fletchtight.
Used on aluminum yesterday Billygoat but same process on carbon.... and slightly less aggressive on lacquer dipped.
Don't want to get too far into the weeds but, we've noticed not only a change in Bohning's fletchtight over the years but their lacquer as well. #2 son is a PhD chemist(big dick in the tobacco industry so we don't put up with too much of his chit) and he "should" know about this sort of rot.... is a lifelong archer,his kids are even dang accomplished shooters...
He shrugs his head(about the chemistry in question here) and just trys stuff until it works? So,like folks posted above... some colors work? In my pea brain that's BS ... but,can accept it and move on?
The only color tac vanes I've used are white and a washed out,pale chartreuse.
Firing up the Stihl weedwacker,as I head into the weeds.......
In the world of ultra slick plastics like those used on machine fixturing,and interestingly on cheap doodoo factory rifle stocks....
One trick we use to get adhesion in the gluing process is,wait for it.....
Gotta think swinging dead chickens whilst chanting incoherently about your X's shoe collection or some other dumbchit. But I swear it's been confirmed by some pretty far up the science ladder plastic engineers....
Take a common propane torch lit,with a very low flame and pass it over the part. Very carefully,not trying to heat it per se... yes it's voodoo... but we're just opening up the chemistry to accept the glue. A POS tupperware rifle stock is the perfect example here.... then,and confirmed by the engineers,you'll have about 20-30 minutes to get the bedding(rifle in this case) or the machine's wear strip glued and clamped.
Further...more than you want to know. Apparently "the test".... Levi probably missed this part,bwahaha.... you can pour water on the part during the "open time" and watch it's reaction. We don't,we propane it,glue it,then go F off till it's cured.