Swinging both ways?


Mar 11, 2012
Does anyone shoot both traditional bows and compounds? Which one do you feel is the best for your hunting style and why.
I shoot a compound but am Trad curious. lol
I actually shoot a recurve fairly well but need to practice more often. I'm good out to about 20 with it
I've been hunting with a compound but have a Black Widow recurve that will step into play after my next bow kill.
I enjoy shooting my recurve much more, but am only accurate out to about 20 yards right now and don't have the room to extend that range.
Obviously I am more accurate with the compound so I will be using it again this year.
I shoot both and I prefer to hunt with the trad gear. It seems that the limitations of the trad gear keeps me in the woods longer. That's what it's about for me. I also enjoy the simplicity of a longbow. Then sometimes a fella has to grab the nail driver and just get it done.
I have used a compound my entire life but last November started shooting a longbow and don't know if I will ever go back. Very fun to shoot and it brings a new challenge.
I shoot both often, Although I primarily hunt with my coumpound I enjoy shooting trad much more. I guess I haven't fully commited to traditional yet.
I shoot both. Not sure which I like more. If the arrow in my recurve shot perfectly the Element would collect dust. Nothing compares to the accuracy of a compound though. The moving target aquisition, lightness and simplicity of trad gear rules though.
i shoot both , but when i am hunting serious i take my compound. it is more accurate etc. but when i hunt around my home for fun i use my long bow for the added challenge, it makes chasing a 2 point like chasing a big 4
I hunt with both a compound & longbow. I've taken elk & deer with both, the longbow is a whole different animal & the challenge is greater when compared to my compound! If you like elk meat you're better off to stay with the compound! If you're looking for the ultimate challenge in your wit & equipment then trad gear is where it's at! (grin) The thing with trad bows is the draw & shot has to be taken with the animal standing at a very close proximity & generally they see some type of movement. Timing is everything to pull it off. With my compound I can draw & hold while animal is still 50 yards out & wait as he comes in for the right angle & shot presentation.

Too, obstructions can really be your enemy with trad gear & its trajectory when compared to a flat shooting compound bow! In a 2 year span I passed on 9 bulls with my longbow where limbs, branches or tight cover stopped me from taking them at under 30 yds. With a compound I would have not had an issue slipping an arrow through.

The pluses with my longbow is it's a feather weight & a delight to pack in the woods, I never worry about having to tinker with adjustments on moving parts or it breaking down! It's so simple & a blast to shoot. When you are successful with it there's a great sense of personal accomplishment & that's pretty cool too! (grin)
