Swarovski SLC vs. SLC NEU in 15x56


I'm new to the site, but like what I see..... Just curious as to what you guys / gals think, who have owned both the original SLC in 15x56 verses the NEU 15x56. Weight is an obvious improvement with the NEU. What about clarity, light transmission, etc? I currently own some of the older SLC's. I want to say that they are 04's or 05's and are in mint condition. I primarily use my EL 10x32's for most of the hunting that I do in Colorado, Utah, and Alaska. Any thoughts?

Fencesitter, I've spent many many hours behind both. Other than a few exterior changes , and searches lenses optically the same Maybe some day they'll do hd and it will be a noticeable difference . BTW, you can send the old WB 's back to swaro and get the swaroclean lenses put in Think it runs75.00 per lense So, 150.00 bucks.
The neus also have dielectric coatings ("swarobright" in Swaro-speak) on the prisms, providing a little increase in light transmission.
I guess it's been few years now. For now I'll hang on to my15's, but all of my friends here in Az. are selling thiers and getting the 12x50 el swarovisions.
I guess it's been few years now. For now I'll hang on to my15's, but all of my friends here in Az. are selling thiers and getting the 12x50 el swarovisions.

The 12's are great - pull the trigger. I live and breathe Arizona hunting and have not missed the Swaro 15's one bit. Those EL's are light enough to wear around the neck and optically the most dominant hunting bino I have looked through.
Ok ok I'm in the market for basically replacing my cheap spotter with some of the swaro 15 binos.. But your saying the newer 12 power are better than the 15's?