Swarovski NL Pure Binocular

had a pair if 10s coming leaving for Elk hunt today the binos will be in the store Tue. /Wed.
If tracking number is correct so guess I will wait like everyone else 😢
12’s with as good or better fov than most 10’s, makes the cost justifiable. It’s like having 2 pairs of top shelf glass.

Totally agree. I think my mind is made up. I have SLC 10x42 and I think the 12x (NL) will be an awesome addition.
There’s a reason I’ve ran 8x (and 7X) my whole hunting life. Brighter, better FOV and steadier (and typically better Eye Relief)
It’s not just about the magnification, it’s about seeing the deer and those other variables are important but way underrated by most hunters.

Everyone keeps thinking they’re only gonna see deer at extreme ranges and more power is the only solution. Well sometimes I guess, but the trade offs of shake, FOV, and light transmission arent worth it to me.

And 90% of the time I’ve got a spotter or some 15x if I need more mag.

And I just spent a few years trying the 18X over the 15x, and for the same reason, I now only am using 15x.

I have not used the NLs but if 10x FOV is same as 8x then one variable has been eliminated but until they put gyros in the NLs, they haven’t eliminated the shake of going 20% more power. And 8x will be brighter too.

But I still notice that when men have less power in anything (Optics, guns, trucks,) they can’t help but think the grass is greener. So if you might be that way, buy 10x as you’ll always be thinking you sold yourself short on the 8X.

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For a guy who only runs one pair of Binos (no 15s), would you still suggest a lower power bino like a 8x?
I ask because I’m currently using 12s to split the difference and save weight. But on a recent hunt I watched a buck bed down behind some brush and he was basically invisible, unless he moved... This made me realize that I probably miss allot of movement because of my limited FOV.
I like the 12s for finding bucks in the open and identifying sex out to 1200yards. But your advice and my recent experience has me seriously considering going down to 8s.
For a guy who only runs one pair of Binos (no 15s), would you still suggest a lower power bino like a 8x?
I ask because I’m currently using 12s to split the difference and save weight. But on a recent hunt I watched a buck bed down behind some brush and he was basically invisible, unless he moved... This made me realize that I probably miss allot of movement because of my limited FOV.
I like the 12s for finding bucks in the open and identifying sex out to 1200yards. But your advice and my recent experience has me seriously considering going down to 8s.

For the way I hunt, I’ll never go more than 8x on a handhold, even if I don’t have other optics with me.

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Ryan just got this field comparison up between the 12 ELs vs 12NL. Good stuff

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NLs aren't that much more expensive over the ELs. One negative may be the eye box (advantage ELs).
Interesting to see what Matt says on his review.
Just ordered a pair of 12x. We'll see how they stack up to everything else. I'm excited to try out a 12x since ive always used 10,15 and a spotter.
Just got my NL 10s.
These things are cool. The ergonomics are great with a very good balance. The focus wheel feels very smooth.
The view reminds me of a typical Swarovski view with some extra width. Pretty similar to my SLC 15s or a pair of EL 10x42s in a lot of respects - neutral colors, very bright, sharp, and clear.
At first blush, I would say the improvements to the ergonomics are a big step forward over anything that I have used. I haven't gotten a sense yet for how much bigger the field is compared to other binoculars (particularly the SF 10s that I owned breifly a couple months ago), but it is immediately, obviously very wide.
hmm... tough one to answer. I can see rolling ball in the ELs and the NLs. I don't experience it as an issue though, because I don't have a physical reaction to it. It doesn't make me sick. I can't say if it is more or less pronounced in the NLs or the ELs without a bit more time with the NLs and a side by side comparison.
The focus wheel on my NLs is not great. Goes between pockets of easy and sort of difficult to move as the focus wheel spins. I’ll use it for my mountain goat trip and then will send them back in to be looked at. Other than that ergo’s are really nice. Something I never thought about but now all bino’s will feel chunky if not on a tripod. View through the bino’s is what you’d expect.

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Hi, I don’t own any 12X. I use 8x for handhold AND tripod, and 15x for tripod

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My wife used 8’s all week on our archery hunt, paired with 18s. At first she couldn’t find deer in the 8s, but after she got used to them she was spotting deer like crazy. She really likes the wide FOV and has figured out how to let the bino sit still on her tripod and watch for movement. If I wasn’t in love with my 10-15 duovids, 8s would be my primary binos..sorry for the off topic hah
I’d love to hear more about the depth of field. I’ve experienced shallow depth of field/focus with wide FOV and have found it really bothersome for the hunting I do. Curious if this is an annoyance or noticeable with the NLs.
The focus wheel on my NLs is not great. Goes between pockets of easy and sort of difficult to move as the focus wheel spins.
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The 12x NL copy I have had one of the smoothest, cleanest focus knobs I’ve used. I think contacting Swarovski about yours is a good idea.

Please keep us updated on that.
The 12x NL copy I have had one of the smoothest, cleanest focus knobs I’ve used. I think contacting Swarovski about yours is a good idea.

Please keep us updated on that.
I second this sentiment. The knob is very smooth and works well. It definitely sounds like something it not working as designed.