Swarovski NL Pure Binocular

After a couple of PM’s one reminded me I should have added something on my initial thoughts.

Rolling Ball-
I had a new pair of EL’s a few years ago and the rolling ball effect was quite bad for me. I actually switched back to SLC 10x42 without swarovision cause my eyes really liked the non field flattening binos and I think the color the SLC provided. I don’t know if it was more related to running the old SLC’s for so long and being so use to them.

But after 1.5 years with EL’s I sold them and pulled my SLC’s out of the safe. My eyes just liked the SLC better.

I was actually quite nervous about it with the NL’s and last night for whatever reason. I didn’t notice it. I glassed for around 2 hours, I was actively looking at a couple bulls and a few deer. It seemed to me like I noticed the rolling ball more when scanning, and last night, I was actively watching. I’ll get some hard use on them over the next week! I’ll report back!

One note- I also do not get the rolling ball effect in my 95mm BTX system for whatever reason and I absolutely love the color/picture it provides.

Anxiously awaiting your feedback on this Travis. So glad you landed a pair.

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I drank the Kool-Aid and bought a pair of 10's yesterday. Anxiously awaiting their arrival. After some comparing we will see if my Zeiss SF's end up on the classifieds. The real test will see if I can get my hands on some 12s and if the EL's will end up on classifieds as well. I appreciate this thread...lots of thoughts to run through before purchasing.
Yeah, I’ve already installed it myself. It’s just like every other bino stud I’ve installed with the exception of the blue loctite/torque stipulation.

Hey thanks for the feedback. After you get a season on it if you have any problems let us know. I know a lot of guys are shaky about doing these upgrades to really expensive binoculars. Also I’m sure it doesn’t void the warranty, but did you get any guarantee from them that Swarovski will still warranty if someone does these upgrades? Thanks

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Hey thanks for the feedback. After you get a season on it if you have any problems let us know. I know a lot of guys are shaky about doing these upgrades to really expensive binoculars. Also I’m sure it doesn’t void the warranty, but did you get any guarantee from them that Swarovski will still warranty if someone does these upgrades? Thanks

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Will do. I never even asked about the warranty. The installation never did any permeant change to the binos that could find. The loctite is a lower toque rated product so if need be one should be able to take it out and make it as new if need be. The only way you’d be able to tell after taking it out is if any loctite color was left behind.
Hey thanks for the feedback. After you get a season on it if you have any problems let us know. I know a lot of guys are shaky about doing these upgrades to really expensive binoculars. Also I’m sure it doesn’t void the warranty, but did you get any guarantee from them that Swarovski will still warranty if someone does these upgrades? Thanks

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Robby, the EL stud can’t be a DIY project for almost all of us as the existing pin has to be pressed out and the new adapter stud pressed in. The NL is a simple screw on like the SLC.
I have got more than a solid week on these 10x NL’s and to say I’m happy is a giant understatement.

I don’t think I have been this impressed with a pair of binoculars since I first looked through a pair of high end binoculars circa 2000.

I was switching back and forth with a buddy using his EL’s. The biggest differences-

1)FOV is REALLY noticeable to me, feels like 30+% super impressive.
2) Ergonomics- Again, it’s really quite unbelievable and until you really get your hands on them, it’s very hard to explain. The biggest shock for me.
3) I experienced zero rolling ball with NL’s. This was a giant relief for me. At times it was awful for me in EL’s, actually caused me to go back to SLC’s
4) I love the clarity and color, from edge to edge it’s so crisp. Very impressed.

I feel like now days, most “new” models of glass are a small step up, or minor improvement.

I feel like these are a GIANT improvement. I think Swarovski knocked it completely out of the park. I never thought I would be this impressed and I’m super glad I pulled the trigger now.

Ill be honest, I laughed at all the hype, thought how much better can they really be. I was wrong.
I have got more than a solid week on these 10x NL’s and to say I’m happy is a giant understatement.

I don’t think I have been this impressed with a pair of binoculars since I first looked through a pair of high end binoculars circa 2000.

I was switching back and forth with a buddy using his EL’s. The biggest differences-

1)FOV is REALLY noticeable to me, feels like 30+% super impressive.
2) Ergonomics- Again, it’s really quite unbelievable and until you really get your hands on them, it’s very hard to explain. The biggest shock for me.
3) I experienced zero rolling ball with NL’s. This was a giant relief for me. At times it was awful for me in EL’s, actually caused me to go back to SLC’s
4) I love the clarity and color, from edge to edge it’s so crisp. Very impressed.

I feel like now days, most “new” models of glass are a small step up, or minor improvement.

I feel like these are a GIANT improvement. I think Swarovski knocked it completely out of the park. I never thought I would be this impressed and I’m super glad I pulled the trigger now.

Ill be honest, I laughed at all the hype, thought how much better can they really be. I was wrong.

What power did you buy, and what power EL’s were you comparing it to?

You can’t cheat the mountain
I have got more than a solid week on these 10x NL’s and to say I’m happy is a giant understatement.

I don’t think I have been this impressed with a pair of binoculars since I first looked through a pair of high end binoculars circa 2000.

I was switching back and forth with a buddy using his EL’s. The biggest differences-

1)FOV is REALLY noticeable to me, feels like 30+% super impressive.
2) Ergonomics- Again, it’s really quite unbelievable and until you really get your hands on them, it’s very hard to explain. The biggest shock for me.
3) I experienced zero rolling ball with NL’s. This was a giant relief for me. At times it was awful for me in EL’s, actually caused me to go back to SLC’s
4) I love the clarity and color, from edge to edge it’s so crisp. Very impressed.

I feel like now days, most “new” models of glass are a small step up, or minor improvement.

I feel like these are a GIANT improvement. I think Swarovski knocked it completely out of the park. I never thought I would be this impressed and I’m super glad I pulled the trigger now.

Ill be honest, I laughed at all the hype, thought how much better can they really be. I was wrong.
Thanks Travis, must respect for your opinion on glass

...and now I'm left to covet in the dust with the ugly stepsister, EL...sigh :(
I have spent some time behind the 12x42 NL. The only negative or critique that I have is that I found the eye placement to be more sensitive than comparable EL models. Your eyes have to positioned specifically to avoid blackouts and searching the field of view (because it's so large) is a bit trickier. But that's it, everything else about the binocular is spectacular in my opinion.
I have spent some time behind the 12x42 NL. The only negative or critique that I have is that I found the eye placement to be more sensitive than comparable EL models. Your eyes have to positioned specifically to avoid blackouts and searching the field of view (because it's so large) is a bit trickier. But that's it, everything else about the binocular is spectacular in my opinion.

Did you have the forehead brace mounted, did that help?

You can’t cheat the mountain
Did you have the forehead brace mounted, did that help?

You can’t cheat the mountain

Yes I did have the forehead rest attached. It really helps keep your eyes locked in the center of the field of view/eye box when hand holding the binoculars. I actually did not notice the tricky field and eye placement when hand holding as much as I did when using them off a tripod.

When using the 12x NL's off of a tripod I noticed the eye position was trickier. I think this was due to my eyes attempting to search the HUGE Field of View. When the binos are on a tripod you can really study the whole field, thats when I noticed blackouts a bit more than I do with the EL 10x42 or 12x50. But those glasses have smaller FOV and larger exit pupil which easily explains this I think.

Keep in mind this is the only potential negative aspect I can find in the NL design for myself. Even then the issue is minor, once you get the eye cups positioned right I think you will find them plenty comfortable. The optics and FOV are spectacular for sure. Focusing mechanism is insanely smooth and precise.
Really good to hear you guys aren’t seeing the rolling ball effect. I’ve prefered Leica over Swaro for this reason but I’m going to take a hard look at these new Swaros
Great thread! I'm waiting for the 12's to be back in stock somewhere.

Rent Guns and Gear has 8’s and 12’s in stock for rental. We can’t sell these as keepers yet as they’re too hard to get at the moment. However, we’ll be happy to apply your keeper credit (up to 7 days rental) toward the next set that comes in. No better way to evaluate them than take em’ hunting.

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