Swarovski Kidney bean!


Mar 11, 2020
I recently upgraded to a Swaro sts 65HD 25-50x. I'm noticing alot of kidney beaning on the edges as I move my viewing angle behind the scope. I have an ollin system installed on it.

I notice that if I really press my eye into the ollin, I can significantly reduce the kidney bean effect. Also notice that I can't really turn the eye cup out, as I lose field of view.

I had heard about the kidney bean with this eyepiece, most say its not significant. Am I doing something wrong? I'd like to look through a 20-60x eyepiece to see if I get the same effect.
I have not ever had “kidney bean” issues with the Swaro 25-50 eyepieces. I own three of them. Prior to the release of the 25-50 I owned two 20-60’s. Other than I think the 25-50’s are a better lens there were no issues going from one to the other.

Mby the Olin is the problem? Does it force your eye further away from the lens than without it?
Possibly the issue. It definitely pushes my eye out. If I press my face into it, I'm good but I don't feel that should be necessary. I tend to mainly digi scope when the spotter gets it's turn on the tripod.
I borrowed some binos and hated having the Olin. It pushed my eye to the side with the bridge of my nose. I couldn’t get centered with that eye.

That might be some of what you are getting.
I recently upgraded to a Swaro sts 65HD 25-50x. I'm noticing alot of kidney beaning on the edges as I move my viewing angle behind the scope. I have an ollin system installed on it.

I notice that if I really press my eye into the ollin, I can significantly reduce the kidney bean effect. Also notice that I can't really turn the eye cup out, as I lose field of view.

I had heard about the kidney bean with this eyepiece, most say its not significant. Am I doing something wrong? I'd like to look through a 20-60x eyepiece to see if I get the same effect.
I can’t use my spotter eye piece much with the ollin installed. It drives me nuts. I pull it off when I glass for longer periods. The ease of use when digiscoping makes ollin worth the trouble, for me.
Thanks guys. This all makes perfect sense, just wish it wasn't so. Do yall think I'll have the same issue with the 20-60x eyepiece?
I don’t know if I’d say the 20-60 eliminates any, as much as I’d say the 25-50 increases it. Who knows if mine was a bad example, but we clearly had a harder time with eye position with it. If you google it you’ll find others who had similar issues. It seems like most people like it but I didn’t.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread. I absolutely love this platform.

I'm in the market for a sts 20-60x eyepiece if any body knows of one for sale. I'll post in classifieds as well.