Swarovski DS


Classified Approved
Sep 16, 2022
I am looking into getting a Swaro DS rifle scope. Is anybody familiar with what state(s) the scope may not be permitted? I’m concerned that it may be illegal for use in certain states. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
A couple years ago I ran into a guy using one in Colorado during elk season. I exchanged info with him because I am a Swaro dealer. that offseason I sold him a pair of Binocs and in conversation he told me a game warden in CO told him it was not allowed but did not cite him. Just told him to leave it at home next time. Seems there may have been some room for interpretation in the wording of the law at that time. I’ve sold them to people in several different states and I know one guy took his to eastern Canada for a moose hunt. So, it’s probably not an issue in most places but…..you don’t live in most places. Thats a long winded way of saying you should check the local laws wherever you plan to hunt with it.
Thanks for sharing. It seems cool, but I don’t know if all the added bells, whistles, and weight are worth it. Let alone the cost.
Colorado regs state that if there is a computer chip in your scope it is considered a smart rifle and is illegal.