Swarovski ATC 17-40x56mm Review, By Court Gordon

Anybody know the hinged eye piece cover he is using in that review? Also a tripod attachment for the ATC?

Great review, figures I just got my new 20x50x65 ATS after a long backorder wait…. Wasn’t interested in the ATC at all but now I want to check one out.
I think you’ll be good as it’s the 2022 model year that seems to be much better then the prior model year 65’s.
Looking forward to receiving mine this week, supposed to be shipping out tomorrow. Anxious to give it a try during the spring bear season
Appreciate the review, having a hard time deciding between the ATC and ATS. Sounds like you can’t lose with either.
I talked to Swarovski and they confirmed there is no “new “ ATS or 25-50 eyepiece. The ATS and 25-50 designs remain unchanged since introduction, but the precision production methods have incrementally improved over the years.
Court- thanks for the review!

I've been waiting for someone to put one through it's paces :)

I currently have a Swaro ATS 65 (20-60) specifically purchased for an upcoming Dall hunt. It's an impressive optic; but other than this upcoming hunt, I could get by with a smaller spotter. After my hunt is over, I'll probably look a lot more closely at the ATC and move the ATS.


I posted on another thread but a neat feature on the ATC/STC is that the objective lens cover will fit inside the eyepiece rubber cover for storage while in use.