After reading and watching most reviews on the ATC i decided to purchase one but i dont know how i feel about it. It's not as sharp as my SLC 15-50s and they seem to have a "foggy" image. To be honest they cant compare to the SLCs. Its not so apparent at 17x but its definitely there. At 40x there's no denying it and there seems to be a bright foggy spot in the center. Its almost like the area is smokey. I've tried looking through them in the morning, noon, evening, basically at all times and i get the same foggy/smokey image. I did comparisons at the same time.
To those of you that have one do you guys get the same foggy/smokey image or is almost identical to your binos? I'm new to spotters so am i expecting too much or should i send them in to get checked out? I called Swarovski and the guy on the line just said send them in to be inspected and it'll be a 8-10 weeks.
To those of you that have one do you guys get the same foggy/smokey image or is almost identical to your binos? I'm new to spotters so am i expecting too much or should i send them in to get checked out? I called Swarovski and the guy on the line just said send them in to be inspected and it'll be a 8-10 weeks.