Swaro BTX Users Only

If you have the budget and can handle a bit of a larger tripod, I'd put in a recommendation for the Really Right Stuff TVC-33 tripod, I run mine with a TA-3 leveling base. With the TA-3 you give up a little bit of angle adjustability but it's about as stable as anything you will ever run. Total tripod/head weight is just under 5lb. Alternate option would be the RRS anvil head, which is also extremely solid and has greater range of motion. To me stability really helps with giving clarity to the view, especially if there's any wind blowing the tripod.

Regardless of which tripod you run, one tip I would give is to use the RRS L85 Multi Use Lens Foot. It has a solid anti-twist plate and when angled backwards it allows you to balance the BTX centered over the head. This keeps the whole setup from being tail-heavy.
