

Feb 7, 2021
I’m new to the world of suppressors and looking to take that leap. It will be exclusively used on a bolt guns in all the typical calibers. .22-30 caliber. What are the pros and cons to the mid range in price of suppressors. I understand you pay for what you get but in some cases you are just buying the name. Is that true? What are some good entry level suppressors?
Being a relatively new suppressor user, here's what I wish I'd given more consideration to:

Do you plan to swap this between rifles?

If so: it's great if they all have the same threading / mount requirements, otherwise moving suppressors is going to be a huge PITA.

For the most flexibility, consider .30 cal suppressors. You lose very little using them on a smaller caliber, whereas 6.5 caliber suppressors are of course not usable at all on anything larger.
If you're looking for a lightweight titanium suppressor check out the Resilient Jolene S. I have one and it's been great for the money.
I enjoy having multiples. I run a DD wolfhunter on 6mm and 223 and I think it's hard to beat, not even for the price, that's just a bonus. Actually thinking of getting another.

For a 30cal, a Raptor 8 or 10, Nomad Xc Ti, or an enticer will be hard to beat. Id recommend a scythe but mine is in pieces being shipped back to Silencerco right now. Hard to go wrong really. Anything is much better than nothing.
Having gone from none to 8 in a year, I would say the important thing to me is weight. Beyond 10-11 oz and it’s too heavy unless run on a really short barrel. Echoing the above post on the scythe, it’s a great can but the reports of them coming apart makes me hesitate to recommend one. I am a fan of the AB cans. I have 3, 2 10 stacks and an A-10. For the money the A-10 is something I would recommend. Yes the Raptor is lighter, and an 8 stack is quieter and more versatile, but it’s twice the cost.

I would go 30 can for a first can and then add a smaller one if you still think you need a dedicated one later. I like a hub mount as it offers many options for attachment. Need a different thread, just buy a new endcap.

Good luck and you will buy more than 1.