What has everyone found works best to prevent suppressors from loosening up in the field?
Today I had my scythe come loose, which it has done before. I don’t have this issue with my other cans…..
First 5 shots
10th shot on the second string of 5 was low
Shots 10-15 I knew something was wrong and probably should have quit.
Checked suppressor before shooting last 5 shots and tightened it back up - shot a clean target.
Today I had my scythe come loose, which it has done before. I don’t have this issue with my other cans…..
First 5 shots
10th shot on the second string of 5 was low
Shots 10-15 I knew something was wrong and probably should have quit.
Checked suppressor before shooting last 5 shots and tightened it back up - shot a clean target.