I appreciate all of the feedback, certainly no shortage of things to consider before making the plunge. I'm thinking that a can in that 6-7" range would be a good happy medium for my needs, the ~1.75' diameter cans in that 6-7" length are intriguing, not sure how much of a difference that really makes over the 1.5" diameter cans, but I like the idea nonetheless. Length of the can really is a big concern for me, I hunt a lot of thick oak brush and I have some long range rifles with 30" barrels + muzzle brakes, and while they are nice if your perched up on a canyon rim, or just at the range, they are a PITA to drag through the brush and I find myself leaving them in the safe more and more as time goes on. This is probably my biggest hold back for making the plunge into not already buying a suppressor, is just not wanting the added length on my rifle.
The weight and price point of the harvester and the AAC jager are super tempting, but they just flat out are too long for what I'm wanting. I went to a gun shop this weekend and held them up to my rifle and it was just not what I'm looking for. I wish they would redesign the harvester from being 1.37" diameter and 8.8 " long to being 1.75"dia and ~6.5" long and keep the weight and price point.
I am leaning hard right now towards the Ultra 7, trash panda (or half nelson), and the VOX S. The Rebel SOS hunter is a very tempting can also, especially at its price point. I really like the weight and the ability to remove sections to adjust the length, I just haven't found much for reviews on them so I'm a bit skeptical. I've ruled out the sandman ti due to length, and the sandman s due to weight.
Sounds like the Ultra 7 is a tried and true, honestly I'm just hung up on figuring out if some of these other cans can give similar performance at a little less cost. As far as price point and modularity go, the VOX seems like it would be very hard to beat. Their new LUX looks really nice too but again the length is a hangup for me.
Anyone have any experience with the Rebel silencers?
Can anyone speak for the VOX with respect to Long range accuracy and POI shift?