Superfeet Insoles…… anyone not like?

Ive tried a bunch of different insoles to try to help my feet issues over the years including the SF greens and blues. I have the same issue with the greens as OP. Arch is too pointy and too far back. I get blisters in my arches after a mile or two. The blues are made for lower volume/arches and are bit better, but still not ideal for my feet.

Someone mentioned wearing them out in a couple of months. Make sure you examine the construction. If it’s made out of thin flimsy plastic, then they’re not going to do much for you because they’ll just flex under your weight. If you can’t stand on them on the ground out of your shoes and get the support you need, then they’re probably not going to do much for your feet in the boot/shoe.

I have PF in both feet and hallux limitus in my right big toe. My podiatrist prescribed Powestep Protech Control insoles. They are the best insole for my feet that I’ve tried and I’ve tried about a dozen different brands including custom. My set is by prescription only, but they make non-prescription versions as well. I think the Pinnacle Hiker are the same as mine minus the 2 degree cant in the heel to correct my pronation.

Good luck in your search. It’s taken me years to figure it out. You can short circuit with a good podiatrist if your having feet issues. I highly recommend that route.
Apparently I am developing PF. Was thinking about pulling my greens out of my boots and putting in my daily sneaker. Guess I’ll give it a try.
Sorry to hear that. Worst injury I've ever had and I've had it for 2 years now. :(

I found some insoles for my sneakers at a running/footwear shop in Boise this summer. They are fantastic but they aren't Superfeet. When I get home I'll look at them and let you know what they are. They go in my Asics and I've never had better comfort and support in my running/trail shoes.
I've been dealing with PF on and off for about 5 years. Going to try the L&S High Country Footbeds to see if that helps, might looking at other options as mentioned above as well. Trying not to go the podiatrist/custom route. Thanks for the information.
I've been dealing with PF on and off for about 5 years. Going to try the L&S High Country Footbeds to see if that helps, might looking at other options as mentioned above as well. Trying not to go the podiatrist/custom route. Thanks for the information.

My podiatrist explained to me that my low arches are causing me to pronate which is what is causing my PF. However there are several causes aside from low arches. He said my feet need arch support at all times and to never go barefoot, even in the house. I was doing the exact opposite and going barefoot all the time thinking I needed to toughen up my feet.

He said Birkenstock’s and crocs are sufficient for around the house, but put on regular shoes with the insoles if I’m going to be standing or walking for extended periods.

I wore the L&S Synergy footbeds for a couple of seasons in my hiking boots and around town shoes. They did not help because they provide no actual arch support, just gel cushion. If you look at them on their website, they lay completely flat.

The insoles he prescribed are not custom, but they are by prescription only. They cost me $40, cheaper than the SF. I specified them in an earlier post above and I listed the pair I suspect are the equivalent non-prescription versions.

If you’ve been dealing with it for 5 years, you really need to see a podiatrist. Short of that and depending on what’s causing it, you’d be better off trying the Powerstep insoles I described previously over the L&S.
I know this is somewhat subjective as everyones feet are different. I alsoknow Superfeet has a lot of satified hunting customers.

I can not get use to the hump in the arch support. It feels like a small ball pushing against my arch. I took my boots to REI and tried every model of the Superfeet samples in my boot.….. Green, Blue, Orange, Carbon and Trailblazers. I even tried sizing up in the green. They all gave the feeling of a ball slightly pushing in my arch. I find the insoles in my Crispi Summits better because they do not push up on my arch.

I like the trailblazers the best. I liked everything about them except the arch support.

Anyone else have this issue with Superfeet. If so…… What did you do? Move to another type or stay with the Stock insoles?

I wouldn't give up on those super feet. So: what you're telling me is that your arch is falling. I would try finding a chiropractor who specializes in adjusting feet. get them adjusted 4-6 times. I bet your arch supports feel better after that.
Tried two different sets of Super Feet... Carbons and another one that I can't remember. The Carbons didn't do the trick in a pair of Crispi Dakotas. Gave up on them after my 2020 Archery Elk hunt. However, that may have been more of a boot fit issue. Crispi Colorados didn't work for me either. Might be great boots for other folks... my feet just don't like them.

The Super Feet Carbons feel great in a pair of Salewa Raven 3 boots.

I prefer the Oboz O-fit Plus - Medium Arch in Salewa Mtn Trainer Mids. If you like a little more cushion from your insole, these are worth a look. REI has them and Super Feet, and Soles and a couple other brands.

Boots, insoles and fit are all so subjective. I'm trying not to get hung up on brands anymore. Lots of great options and most likely a good combination with a little trial and error.
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@Buckhorn 70 as others said feet and comfort are going to vary.

I have been a superfeet user and fan for a long time. The greens are riding in nearly all of my serious mileage boots. The only ones I don like them in are some danners that have tight toe Boxes.
I’m with you. I tried the greens in my lowas and had that same hump/ball in my arch that I couldn’t deal with. One half mile walk was all I needed to pull them out and go back to the original insoles. I thought I just had weird feet cause most people love them.
I have PF pretty bad. I’ve tried several super feet, no improvement. Sheep feet custom make them from a mold you take of your feet, which I thought would solve my issue, I have those now, and no improvement either, after many many miles and sending them back and they cut a donut in my right foot insole, no difference other then it feels like I am walking on the inside of my foot now.
Even the thin ones are too thick at the heel for me. They end up pushing my heel up out of the pocket. I have a haglunds deformity on my left foot so my heel really needs to be low and deep in the heel pocket.
This post goes WAAY back! I need padded insoles for a neuroma I have and have always wondered why Superfeet don't have a super soft and cushy model? They are way too hard for my particular feet. I haven't checked to see if there are any newer models that are softer with more padding?
If you need padding, check out Hoka shoes. They have a couple that feel like walking on marshmallows. I have bad feet, planterfasitus, but they didn’t do nothing for my issues. But they are soft.
I have ankle issues and flat feet, I have been recommended superfeet insoles at least a hundred times , bought 4 sets was given 3 more and I can't stand them in the least , especially the green that everyone else loves were awful for me .
I use greens. I wear a size 11.5 shoe but I need size 15 superfeet until the arch in the insole matches my foot.

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