Super Slam # 176 of 29 North American Big Game Animals

Scot worked harder than anyone I ever met to strategize, plan, and fulfill his dream. He is very modest about this tremendous achievement. Now he is a mentor to his sons and family as they pursue big game across this continent.

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I would really like to hear about the hunt for your Polar Bear. Assuming you weren't able to bring it back and only have a picture?

Since some species can't be hunted anymore is there exceptions to the NA slam now?
can still be hunted on reservation land
I would really like to hear about the hunt for your Polar Bear. Assuming you weren't able to bring it back and only have a picture?

Since some species can't be hunted anymore is there exceptions to the NA slam now?
Polar Bears can be hunted on tags allocated to Inuit communities by annual quota. Best Outfitters to work through are Canada North Outfitting or Ameri-cana Expeditions. My beautiful Polar Bear rug is now displayed on the office conference room wall of a Canadian relative who lives South of Lethbridge. One of the most colorful parts of the hunt is when you and your Eskimo guides (Inuits) have located a shooter boar, the final pursuit must be done by dogsled. Killing from snow machines has long been prohibited. The huskies chase the Polar Bear until it tires and will bay up in cover provided by broken ice and depressions in snow. Shots are not long distance and a bigger caliber rifle is best. A .338 through the front shoulders worked fine. They advise to not shoot through the lungs to avoid a bloody mess. Meat is donated to the village and is much appreciated by the community. It is a travesty that wrong-headed wannabe do gooders have banned importing into the US. Most other sensible countries rely upon Science based Biological recommendations for sustainable harvest. The Arctic lifestyle is terribly damaged when US politicians meddle and eliminate Inuit livelihoods. Take away one of the only sources of employment in those remote communities and bad consequences follow. Abuse often runs rampant with drugs, alcohol, incest, depression & suicide becoming common. Additionally when tag quotas are not filled the numbers of mature adult males get out of balance, Older males kill cubs and upset population balances. A dead cub is easy food and the female becomes sexually available sooner.
Optional huntable species for NA Super Slam have been added since Labrador Quebec bou can no longer be hunted. A Wolf can be hunted to replace that species of Caribou. The GSCO website can provide additional info.
Best wishes in your adventures.


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Congratulations. I remember being a young hunter and dreaming about how cool it would be to complete such a feat.

Did you ever end up in a situation on all of those adventures where you thought you wouldn't be making it back out alive?
Ha, not make it back alive...While Goat hunting you often risk life daily. Hunting moose in AK before GPS, I've barely found my way back to camp a number of times in the dark. Wearing wet wool for 10 straight days of rain in AK is no picnic. Ran out of toilet paper, food, frostbite and hypothermic too many D@#$ times. Close call once when two Brown Bears surrounded the dome tent at 3am along the Alagnak river while my buddy snored. One was inches from the end of my sawed off 12 gauge sniffing me through the thin wall of the tent in the darkness. Held mini-mag flashlights in our teeth (No headlamps then) and confronted the bears firing off several rounds to persuade them to leave. I slept fine the rest of that night and Mike stayed wide-eyed awake till daylight. Buddy of mine was killed by a Brown Bear 2 years ago. One friend died young in a floatplane crash and another died of Carbon monoxide poisoning on a boat that I spent 10 days sleeping in a couple years prior. Every day is a gift and adventure has its price.
Congrats on your incredible accomplishment! I love to hunt only a few different animals so I don't have a desire to achieve that goal, but man my hat goes off to those who aspire to accomplish the SS and go out and do it.
Congrats Scot #176! Lots of hard work goes into it no matter what anyone thinks! Looks like you got some dandies! Neat that some are with the bow as well. And I get the not posting pictures as I follow a similar mode.

I completed the archery super slam last year....#40 Archery and #199 any weapon. As of the Grand Slam banquet in Las Vegas a month ago there were 42 archery super slams and I believe 210 any weapon super slams so quite a few beyond the list Maverick1 links in post #5.

It took me 50 seasons to complete the super slam with the bow. Since 20 species were DIY and/or arrowed years ago my costs were low until a 2015 Alaskan brown bear, a 2017 Dall sheep in the NWT, a Nunavut polar bear in 2018 and a 3 hunts (2018, 2019 and 2021) in Nunavut for a Central Canadian Barren Ground Caribou pushed the total cost up.
Congrats on your excellent Oryx! I've applied unsuccessfully over the years to hunt Gemsbok on the White Sands missile range but have yet to draw. Fav - As you well know each hunt provides its own unique favorite memories. Have to say the Muskox and Polar Bear hunts with temps & wind chill below negative 40F were extreme. Thought my bow limbs would explode in those frigid temps on my Muskox hunt. Honestly I'm glad I got those extreme Arctic hunts completed when I did and don't need to repeat that frostbite prone experience.
It’s just a gemsbok shot in South Africa. That was before I knew of the ones in New Mexico, although I want to do that now. Probably an off range since I have zero luck for an on range. I just had a sudden interest in Alaska and have started thinkingn about muskox. But this year I’ll have to settle for Sitka blacktail. Was the polar bear with a bow? I can’t imagine going after that big of an animal with a bow
Congrats Scot #176! Lots of hard work goes into it no matter what anyone thinks! Looks like you got some dandies! Neat that some are with the bow as well. And I get the not posting pictures as I follow a similar mode.

I completed the archery super slam last year....#40 Archery and #199 any weapon. As of the Grand Slam banquet in Las Vegas a month ago there were 42 archery super slams and I believe 210 any weapon super slams so quite a few beyond the list Maverick1 links in post #5.

It took me 50 seasons to complete the super slam with the bow. Since 20 species were DIY and/or arrowed years ago my costs were low until a 2015 Alaskan brown bear, a 2017 Dall sheep in the NWT, a Nunavut polar bear in 2018 and a 3 hunts (2018, 2019 and 2021) in Nunavut for a Central Canadian Barren Ground Caribou pushed the total cost up.
Hats off to you Blockcaver. You are much tougher than myself to have hung in there to finish your SS with archery gear. I'll look you up as SS # 199 and Bow # 40. I haven't yet attended a GSCO convention to formally receive my SS # 176 yet as we have some fun family achievers nearing their goals. Oldest son lacks only a Sheep for his Super 10. His 22 pref points in WY should come through for him soon. Youngest son needs only a Caribou and Bison/Muskox for his Super 10. Two grandkids have completed their Youth 3 milestone and a third will complete hers soon also. We look forward to a fun family gathering in Vegas to celebrate those GSCO awards. The CCBG bou was my final #29 specie. I blanked in Northern Canada one year, and took the lesser expensive option and got mine on Greenland.
Well done my friend.
Congrats! I am very envious. So what was/is your number 1 meat getter?
Thx Afhunter1!
In the 90s I took a carbon steel blued Ruger M77 North and watched it rust before my very eyes. I later picked up a Winchester Model 70 classic (pre-64 style) in Stainless Steel w synthetic stock and used that 300 Win Mag for the majority of my NA29 and it has become my go-to gun for all hunting. That rifle has also added 4 wolves to its credit over the years. Your Fav weapon?
It’s just a gemsbok shot in South Africa. That was before I knew of the ones in New Mexico, although I want to do that now. Probably an off range since I have zero luck for an on range. I just had a sudden interest in Alaska and have started thinkingn about muskox. But this year I’ll have to settle for Sitka blacktail. Was the polar bear with a bow? I can’t imagine going after that big of an animal with a bow
Thover best wishes on your Sitka blacktail hunt. That could be a good memorable adventure for you.
In answer to your question about Polar Bear with a bow: I used archery gear to take my Muskox on Banks Island NWT in April 1996. Temps with wind chill dropped below negative 40F during that hunt. In subsequent years I talked with celebrity archer Dr Jack Frost from AK at a Sheep convention in Reno. I asked him your same question about archery gear for Polar Bear. He asked if I had taken Muskox with a bow. I replied yes. He said its not much different to take a PB with a bow. My own Polar bear didn't happen for many more years and in my 60s, I decided to use a 338 caliber rifle for PB rather than my bow. Dr Frost was correct, however, usually Polar Bears are too tired after a chase and to intimidated by dogs, humans and chaos to pose much danger of attack. Your Inuits will also have a backup rifle for safety if needed.
Scot worked harder than anyone I ever met to strategize, plan, and fulfill his dream. He is very modest about this tremendous achievement. Now he is a mentor to his sons and family as they pursue big game across this continent.

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Speaking of being Modest. Mike.adams.467 has accomplished an amazing success record of archery elk kills during a time when even the most dedicated hunters are usually coming home empty. Reintroduced wolves destroyed a once incredible Elk population in Idaho and hunters who enjoyed that bounty in the early 90s have been eating humble pie for many years now. Mike just keeps on bringing home branch antlered bulls year after year and I don't know any non-sponsored hunters who can compare with Mike's success. Pot and a Kettle thing here - "Modest" right back at you big guy!
Thx Afhunter1!
In the 90s I took a carbon steel blued Ruger M77 North and watched it rust before my very eyes. I later picked up a Winchester Model 70 classic (pre-64 style) in Stainless Steel w synthetic stock and used that 300 Win Mag for the majority of my NA29 and it has become my go-to gun for all hunting. That rifle has also added 4 wolves to its credit over the years. Your Fav weapon?
Well, I don’t really have a fav right now but I’m leaning really hard to a rem 700 Ti 300 WSM. Shot a grizzly with it last year. Was my first hunt with it. When I’m just whitetail hunting around home prob a SS rem 7 in 7mm-08 my dad got me when I was 14. 41 now so a few deer have met that gun.
This is the best thread of the year!

I definitely hope to kill the 29 in my lifetime. Sounds like I lucked out big time by shooting 2 Quebec/Labrador caribou years ago. I have a goal to go after at least 1 species a year until I get it done. Some I’ll combo together but who knows what will be closed to hunting by the time I get to it. That doesn’t even take into account the insane cost rise for some of these hunts. They could be WAY out of reach soon.

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