Summer Olympics?

I haven’t been able to watch much. Busy and just not worth going out of my way. BUT I read about this Turkish shooter this morning and I’m a BIG fan. All the other shooters are decked in spy gear and uniforms with goofy stances and this guy just rolls in with LensCrafters, no muffs, and his hand in his pocket and wins silver.

It’s kinda how I feel here at times. We got guys doing bullet ABCs and calculus, have spreadsheets with their gear lists to the tenth ounce, new rifles every year, a camo kit worth $3k, forking out cash for training programs, etc. This is the guy that just shows up to the trailhead and wipes the pizza crumbs from his shirt, puts on the boots he busts out twice a year, and hikes up the mountain with his 270 and whatever ammo was in stock and always punches his tag. Poetry in motion.
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This story is pretty incredible. One of my best friends is from Turkey and this is basically his attitude too. Show up, almost no preparation, basic equipment, decide to participate in whatever activity at the very last second, kick ass and then go home without a care in the world.
I'll watch the 2026 Winter Olympics if they keep DEI and woke out of it. 1.39 billion catholics are outrage by what happened at the opening ceremony.
1.39 billion Catholics? That’s probably an estimate of all Catholics? I’d imagine a big portion of them aren’t outraged, but are just trying to keep from starving in Latin America and the Philippines. The millions in America and Europe are probably angry. Protestants are upset as well. All Christians should be upset. The problem is there are no powerful Christian leaders, and there should be lots, denouncing it, probably because they are afraid to do so.
I tune in for a while every night on Peacock. I can pick and choose whatever I want to watch. The surf tournament was pretty good in the early rounds when the swell was up and I've watched all the shooting sports. I tune into the prime time coverage when nothing is on but usually get annoyed with all the B.S they shove at you.
It's a Rokslide tradition!

It's part of the "I'm such a badass hunter that I'm too badass to do anything less badass than me" dick measuring contest.

Good times...
It’s my thread and I’m just having some fun. Some are having fun, some are negative. It’s fine with me. I’m shedding off some angst about my kitchen remodel and anxiety for hunting season to get here.
US womens rugby put on a good show. Archery is cool to watch. The shooting sports are a bit boring for me, given stuff like USPSA and 3 Gun. Kinda nice to have shooting sports in media/social media that aren't a joke about rednecks.

Opening ceremony, culture war BS discourse, is uninteresting and not worth the time. Lots of athletes in sports I like to enjoy.

If I win the lottery, I will build a dominant American Olympic handball dynasty.
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I'll watch the highlights...we did tune into the Gymnastics last night. My wife will watch track starting tonight. Not that they aren't talented but I laugh at the air gun shooters or whatever with all the lenses and blinders and b.s. on absolutely zero interest in watching it.

Haven't watched any during the Olympics but why the hell is BMX, Skate Boarding, and Break Dancing in the Olympics? #1 they have the X games and are we going to see square dancing and the Hula Hoop introduced next?
I’ve seen very little but it is great to see athletes get an opportunity on the international stage after dedicating so much time and effort to their skill. However, it is appalling to consider the IOC is ok with men beating women in the ring.
Watching all I can.
They are on 4 channels folks, NBC, E, CNBC and USA all for free with cable.
Track starting today and men's swimming has been nice to watch. Can't wait for women's and men's track and field events. The athletes are easy on the eyes too.
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Crazy how bothered some people are by the Olympics. As far as I'm concerned the people competing are the best in the world at whatever they're competing at so I couldn't care less if they keep adding things that aren't traditional "fastest/strongest wins" sports. It's been many years since it was just discus, javelin, and chariot racing.

In 20 years they will have probably added video games, hotdog eating, cup stacking, hobby horsing, and slap boxing, and I'll still watch when I'm bored and appreciate that some people dedicate their entire lives to getting really good at some specific event.
There’s a kayak racer from New Zealand or Australia and the guy that I’m pretty sure made her kayak also made a carbon fiber gunstock that was crazy light weight. I watched his video testing the stock a couple years ago then no follow ups - then not long ago he posted a video of the gal making the Olympic team.
Personally, I always thought the one shooting event that would eventually make it to the Olympics and be the most fun to watch would be small bore silhouette. Boy was I wrong about it’s long term popularity. Lol

Since I work from home I’ve been having it on in the background. Rugby, gymnastics, and swimming have been the most exciting imo. The way our women won the bronze medal rugby match was WILD! Volleyball and mountain biking are fun to watch too. Looking forward to track now that that’s starting up