Success in Colorado!

Since our deer herd is declining and we are bringing in wolves, we feel it makes sense to issue a lot of doe tags. Glad you got a buck.
Makes sense or makes "no sense"???

I am not grasping the value of issuing a lot of doe tags when the herd is struggling and the wolves are about to start feasting on them to make the bunny huggers in Denver/Aspen/Vail happy
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Our bighorns are declining as well, but we keep issuing ewe tags. Its like the DOW doesn't know that mommy animals make babies.
10 pound c02 tank for airing up tires, nothing compares, heavy duty scissor jack with 1/2 inch drive socket welded to it, 1/2 inch impact fast and easy couple 4x6 blocks for extra lift an stability, chains,
its all muddy anyway you have to do it, old rain gear