Sub $500 plex reticle SFP reliable

I have had good luck with a Burris FF II 3-9. It has survived a rifle that Leupold, Vortex, and 2 Meoptas did not.

The 3-9 Trijicon Credo is nice scope and just a tick above your budget. There are other reticle options than this. The Huron models would cost less, but I don't have any experience with them to make a suggestion one way or the other.
Thanks. Just a simple rifle hunting rifle with a Burris scope, DNZ game reaper rings and a limbsaver recoil pad.

7.2lbs this rifle does thump the shoulder a bit. The limbsaver helped quite a bit.

I take it out to 350yds at the range from time to time. Pretty much a hold on fur to 300yds.

I plan to pick up a 7mm08 maybe 6.5creed and set it up the same. What am I thinking? 7mm08.
I own a Tikka T3 7-08 with a Limbsaver that had a Burris FFII 3-9 in a DNZ Game Reaper then I wanted more power and am currently using a Nikon Monarch 3-12.
I have experience with 3 Burris scopes and they have been excellent on high-recoil rifles.
Nikon has been great, as well.
For the OP, my latest that meets your requirements is a Meopta MeoSport, 3-15, lighted reticle similar to duplex.
Clear, bright, good knobs and I got it for less than $400 last year on a BF sale.
I would buy another and probably will for a hunting rifle.
I have had good luck with a Burris FF II 3-9. It has survived a rifle that Leupold, Vortex, and 2 Meoptas did not.

The 3-9 Trijicon Credo is nice scope and just a tick above your budget. There are other reticle options than this. The Huron models would cost less, but I don't have any experience with them to make a suggestion one way or the other.
It doesn't look like they make the FFII with a basic duplex reticle?