Student debt "Crisis"

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Tough subject. I was raised and believe that you make the bed you laid in. "We" the people voted to make the age of an "adult" 18! Therefore when you are 18 you are responsible for YOUR own actions. Whether that's to have a kid, go to college, or start a job.

Not everyone can work a job and go to school- that is not easy for most.

There was a good article written a while back polling college students on their debt and what/if anything they knew about it. Something like 80% really didn't understand their debt, interest rates, payback date, etc. When I was in college not too long ago those who took out $$$ used it for MANY other things than tuition and books.
Many high school students felt pressure to go to a good 4 year college (actual education, get away from parents, etc). Very few really entertained the idea of a JC.

I am all for a higher education, but honestly working with a staff that is all "educated" doesn't make them any "smarter" (talking real world smart here- that common sense type stuff, logical reasoning, etc) then many who are not "educated" with a degree.

Your last paragraph..

I told my parents after having held jobs before a degree and after that most of what has lead to success has been the stuff I learned at home: work ethic, integrity, etc.

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A debtors’ prison with a maximum sentence of about 180 days executed would solve quite a bit of the credit nonrepayment problem in this country. I know its not constitutional but people would possibly think twice before jacking up that fancy-smancy credit card or borrowing a gazillion dollars in unsecured student loan debt.

Gonna hurt a lot of the Bernie bros’feelings on here with that attitude

They’ve never been told “no” in their upbringings. Look at the new young guys that come on here and want specific elk, deer information and get pissed off if they are not immediately given the info despite the fact that information takes a good deal of hard work and lots of time and money to acquire .

Tough to fill electrician spots with this group. I know I know they are innovative thinkers
How bout instead of offering the ridiculous lown forgiveness we allow student loans to be bankrupted. This creates incentive for lenders to not loan out tons of money and creates a financial punishment for those that did stupid shit without ruining the rest of their life. I'm of the notion that if people don't learn from their mistakes they will make them again. To me this is the logical first step.
A debtors’ prison with a maximum sentence of about 180 days executed would solve quite a bit of the credit nonrepayment problem in this country. I know its not constitutional but people would possibly think twice before jacking up that fancy-smancy credit card or borrowing a gazillion dollars in unsecured student loan debt.

They put people in jail for medical bills in Indiana, probably a better option than no treatment.
How bout instead of offering the ridiculous lown forgiveness we allow student loans to be bankrupted. This creates incentive for lenders to not loan out tons of money and creates a financial punishment for those that did stupid shit without ruining the rest of their life. I'm of the notion that if people don't learn from their mistakes they will make them again. To me this is the logical first step.

That is a good idea, it would require the lenders to do due diligence to make sure people are good for the loans vs now just giving it to them regardless, knowing they have hooks in them for life.
Elizabeth Warren intends to introduce Legislation was introduced to cancel student loan debt for people who make less than 100k. Between 100k and 250k, it’s a tiered system. Over 250k of income, and you have to repay.

That is a good idea, it would require the lenders to do due diligence to make sure people are good for the loans vs now just giving it to them regardless, knowing they have hooks in them for life.

You do know the tax payers would be on the hook for that?
That is a good idea, it would require the lenders to do due diligence to make sure people are good for the loans vs now just giving it to them regardless, knowing they have hooks in them for life.
You may want to spend 4 minutes and watch Maxine Waters take on the bankers about student loans. Pretty interesting.
You do know the tax payers would be on the hook for that?

What are the tax payers not on the hook for. Our current budget deficit is historic and national debt reflects it. Who is going pay to cover the tax cut? We are going to pay more later. Short term loan.

There will be less tax payer impact if being qualified to borrow is taken into consideration. It is common sense. How did the subprime mortgage crisis turn out in 08-09?
Comparing tax cuts to loan forgiveness??

The govt should pay off everyone’s mortgage and car loans too

AOC school of economics grad I see
Comparing tax cuts to loan forgiveness??

The govt should pay off everyone’s mortgage and car loans too

AOC school of economics grad I see

You can discharge a mortgage through bankruptcy, along with credit card debt, and business obligations. Not discussing forgiveness. Forgivenesses does actually provide tax revenue though, which our free spending administration could use.
What are the tax payers not on the hook for. Our current budget deficit is historic and national debt reflects it. Who is going pay to cover the tax cut? We are going to pay more later. Short term loan.

There will be less tax payer impact if being qualified to borrow is taken into consideration. It is common sense. How did the subprime mortgage crisis turn out in 08-09?

Do you even understand why the mortgage crisis happened?

Community activists like Obama demanded that Banks give loans to unqualified borrowers. The govt threatened to sue banks that didn’t.

The social justice activism in the govt just did the same to the student loan system.

Now the fake Indian Warren, who stole Native American heritage, wants to make a buck off of this after committing fraud. Amazing people are so stupid to buy into this scam. More free stuff for the takers from the givers
You can discharge a mortgage through bankruptcy, along with credit card debt, and business obligations. Not discussing forgiveness. Forgivenesses does actually provide tax revenue though, which our free spending administration could use.
You think anyone is dumb enough to believe the scam you are trying to push?
Do you even understand why the mortgage crisis happened?

Community activists like Obama demanded that Banks give loans to unqualified borrowers. The govt threatened to sue banks that didn’t.

The social justice activism in the govt just did the same to the student loan system.

Now the fake Indian Warren, who stole Native American heritage, wants to make a buck off of this after committing fraud. Amazing people are so stupid to buy into this scam. More free stuff for the takers from the givers

What year was Obama elected? The mortgage crisis occurred because of greed.
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Elizabeth Warren intends to introduce Legislation was introduced to cancel student loan debt for people who make less than 100k. Between 100k and 250k, it’s a tiered system. Over 250k of income, and you have to repay.


Will everyone that took out student loans the past 50 years get reimbursed with interest??
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