String and peep twist question - Match string issue?


Aug 7, 2017
Richmond, VA
For the first time, for me, I can't seem to get some serious peep twist out. I'm curious if anyone has found that simply switching to a different peep model made a difference?

My current problematic setup is this - I have a 29.5 LiftX with the match strings. Running a Specialty peep (not in love with it, so very open to trying something else, probably going back to a Super Deuce peep). I and my local shop can't seem to get the twist out. Over the last 10-15 years we've always been able to get it sorted on any other model bow and string setup.

My bow last year had Mathews Match Strings and I had ZERO issues once everything was tuned and tweaked. We were able to get that peep set right and it never moved again.

This year the string just wont' seem to get it so it comes back correct every time.

I'm wondering if I got lucky last year with a good set of strings or if i'm unlucky this year with a bad set of strings. I know people love to debate string companies and seems like everyone can point to a bad experience with any company.

Would love to learn from the group. I know there are some mechanical fixes i could put in place to make the peep twist over but for the moment I'm trying to learn what might be the problem and if its just fundamentally messed up and so the only true fixes would be to replace the string or add a mechanical fix like Bowmar sells.

Thanks in advance
I assume you’ve added or untwisted the string and it still moves?
Mine moved a little after 50 shots or so but after I reset it they’ve been solid. And that’s my second set of match strings I’ve been real happy with them. Maybe a bad set?
Ive been out of the archery industry for 5 years now, good to see that Mathew’s strings are still peep twist roulette. But seriously it could be your center serving.
Back in my shop days redoing the center serving could fix it probably 60% of the time, if not let them know you’re fighting the peep and Mathew’s will send you a new set. I never had warranty issues from them!
Well you can try the Bowmar peep tuner if y’all have done everything else worth a shot

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Ive been out of the archery industry for 5 years now, good to see that Mathew’s strings are still peep twist roulette. But seriously it could be your center serving.
Back in my shop days redoing the center serving could fix it probably 60% of the time, if not let them know you’re fighting the peep and Mathew’s will send you a new set. I never had warranty issues from them!

Had not thought of reaching out to them. Will do

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I assume you’ve added or untwisted the string and it still moves?
Mine moved a little after 50 shots or so but after I reset it they’ve been solid. And that’s my second set of match strings I’ve been real happy with them. Maybe a bad set?

That’s about the experience had with mine last year. Once 50 or so shots things settled and I was able to get it set and it was perfect. Still is. But this one we’ve done everything. And it just seems like where I need my peep is a no man’s land. It’s not 100% off. But at rest it’s off to the side and then twists around when I pull back and gets close to perfect but isn’t there. I wouldn’t mind it being off at rest if it came back correct.

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