strap and grab-it storage..maybe a tip!!


Sep 11, 2013
first let me lead off by saying i am not an experience kifaru guy. i do however know..and even still learning that there really isnt a right way or a wrong way to run a kifaru system. there are still mystery tabs and clips that i have ZERO idea what they are for.

i've been on two hunts with my pack. it looks filthy!! hiking thru burns with a gray bag..yuck.

anyways. i like the strap kit i bought, and i LOVE the grab it. i just wrestled with what to do with both items when i didnt need them. i tried stuffing them into a pocket. hated wasting the space and not remembering where i stowed it. i tried leaving them clipped into position. getting into pockets while dodging the accessories..was not fun.

leave them at home? oh, no..not with how much i paid for straps. haha.

i pulled out the bag and explored my options. EUREKA!! strap storage was head slapping easy. i ran them vertical on each side of the bag and pulled out the slack!! they are now stored ready for use!! the grab it..took more brain power. i got it stowed away. i unclipped it from the sides..left it clipped on the bottom and ran it rides between the bag and frame. i simply clipped it back onto the triangle clips and viola!! you dont even know they are there!!

hope this helps any newbies...any veterans think i am doing it wrong or have a better idea that works..i am all ears.

wish i got straps in a different color. might make it easier to find in the a sea of gray.


Feb 24, 2012
I just roll up my grab it and shove it and my straps n the small pouch my lash kit came in . Then they both go in the bottom of my hydration pocket. Don't usually need either item " on the fly" so having them packed is no big deal
Jun 17, 2012
I put mine in hydration pouch. Takes up so little space ya don't even know its in there. I would never NOT have my grab-it with me and a few extra lashing straps.
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