Strange Paper vs. Real World Results


Nov 14, 2018
Some background. I was shooting very well for two years then I completely exploded. I lost three arrows in a half hour after not losing an arrow in three years. Shit was flying corkscrew everywhere. It was bad and I could not get it back despite hours of trying. My bow needed a new string so I sent it in and was going to start from scratch with the new string. During the string stretching cycle I was shooting well again. I went back to the bowshop after break in and they checked timing and had me shoot through paper. A horrible nock right tear. I mean 2-3 inch tear. So they play with my lean and rest and get it shooting bullet holes. I go back home and shoot with broadheads and at distance and holy shit. Corkscrew and shit just going everywhere. So I went back and they reversed everything they did. Went home and broadheads and field points are hitting together at all distances and the arrow flight looks great... It makes no sense. Anyone have similar experience or can give me an idea of what is going on here? It shouldn't be possible with the tear I am getting.

I am shooting 240 spined momentum TDT shafts with a 245 grain tip weight. Arrow length is 27.5 inches. 71.8 pound draw. Hoyt Carbon Defiant. Left-handed
When paper tuning, I always shoot multiple arrows at two different distances (usually 6 feet and 20-ish feet) to confirm the tear before I make any changes. At super close range, I think the arrow can still be flexing to a significant degree and can give deceiving paper tears. I also think shooting through paper (especially at a bow shop in front of an audience) sometimes induces unintentional/subconscious changes in the shooter's anchor, release, grip, etc.

Regardless of the reason for your imperfect paper tears, broadheads hitting with field points is the ultimate goal of tuning. If you've achieved that, it matters not one whit what your arrows are doing through paper.
When paper tuning, I always shoot multiple arrows at two different distances (usually 6 feet and 20-ish feet) to confirm the tear before I make any changes. At super close range, I think the arrow can still be flexing to a significant degree and can give deceiving paper tears. I also think shooting through paper (especially at a bow shop in front of an audience) sometimes induces unintentional/subconscious changes in the shooter's anchor, release, grip, etc.

Regardless of the reason for your imperfect paper tears, broadheads hitting with field points is the ultimate goal of tuning. If you've achieved that, it matters not one whit what your arrows are doing through paper.
At twenty feet my tear was fine. I think I am running into some spine recovery and high foc issues.
Man i remember the days of going to the bow shop just to get home and the bow not be right for whatever reason. The smartest thing i ever did was get my bow shop set up with everything and more then the bow shop had. Now I do everything to my bow and all my friends as well. Really helps to learn how to work on your own stuff it saves gas and time and I think it makes you a better archer. Trail and error is all it is. I’m glad you got them flying right. I used to hunt with those same arrows before I dropped down to 550 grains from 650 and 700 with the TDK arrows they flew like darts for me…

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Sounds like fletching clearance issues. Anyways what’s it look like right now when you shoot through paper?
Sounds like fletching clearance issues. Anyways what’s it look like right now when you shoot through paper?
Interesting you should say that. I was looking at my arrow rest and noticed fletching colored smears on it. Played around for a bit and noticed that my arrow rest was massively over tensioned when they restrung the bow. Maybe before not sure. Anyway put some fresh washable paint on and no smears. Haven’t had a chance to shoot through paper yet but groups and flight are great.
Without knowing all of the details, there could be some variance here, but whenever I see something like “245 up front on TDT’s” I like to play with the software.
It's not too stiff in a modern compound with a shoot through riser....I've shot over spined for decades- tunes great. those software programs must be importing data from the old 1970's arrow charts.

The thing about tuning especially when you install a new string is its worth starting from scratch starting with Cam timing and working through the steps.

Skip a step and it could cost you.
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I’ve shot slightly underspined and overspined with good results, but there are limits and spines exist for a reason.