Stone Glacier Quick Release Rifle Sling pointers

I love mine, even on an Exo pack it works fantastic. I don't know how people deal with the under arm carriers. What a pain in the butt
Agreed. I like the SG sling keeping the rifle out of your way but still provides easy access if needed quickly.
My buddy moved the SG upper (quick release) strap to the shoulder strap (the butt strap in it's original position); the rifle is partially under the arm ,pointed much like the Kifaru gun bearer. He said it's quicker to deploy (and put back) and if he killed something he can move the upper strap back as SG intended.

I'm going to play around with that idea in the off season and see how it works for me.
I am gonna have to give one of these a try! Has anyone kept the riffle in this location while packing meat out? Will it work to just hold the riffle so your hands free when packing out meat?
I am gonna have to give one of these a try! Has anyone kept the riffle in this location while packing meat out? Will it work to just hold the riffle so your hands free when packing out meat?

perfectly; I always pack trekking poles, seldom used UNLESS I'm packing meat- then just about a necessity

thinhorn try moving the bottom connection that holds the butt toward the buckle of the hip belt. You need to tuck that under one of the straps on the side of the belt and then if it is still trying to roll, pitch the toe of the butt out away from your leg when you place it in the bottom cradle.

Mine only ever wanted to roll on my EXO because I didn't have a good way to hold that bottom cradle forward and the top connection was just to a compression strap and not around a stay. Every once in awhile with a heavy scoped rifle if it gets too vertical it might try to roll but those adjustments above will help a ton or eliminate it.
You got a picture of what your talking about. Has my encore in mine for deer season and it flipped on me and when I went to adjust it, I hit the detachment buckle. Glad I grabbed it before it hit the dirt.
I had given up on figuring this sling out. Finally dug my sling out and reinstalled it again, being a little more careful. Holy crap, im sad that im this dumb and couldn't get it working before now... I love this sling! Will be using it on a hunt this weekend!

Also, I reinstalled my hydro holster as well, again it helps to slow way down and follow the videos. So much better!