Stock market opportunities

You’re not big on reading for comprehension are you. I should have stated things in a more basic way.

And......your back at it I see. You do see how you come across, no?

You ask a question, then argue the answers you get, then seemingly answer you own questions with knowledge.

I'm not picking on you, just curious if you do this for fun or don't see it from your end.

As for investing advice, sorry I can't help, no investments here.
And......your back at it I see. You do see how you come across, no?

You ask a question, then argue the answers you get, then seemingly answer you own questions with knowledge.

I'm not picking on you, just curious if you do this for fun or don't see it from your end.

As for investing advice, sorry I can't help, no investments here.
You mean my snarky comment and putting them on ignore AFTER these two guys start casting shade my way and throwing up memes that are obviously some left over junior high school animosity from something unrelated to this. Just exactly what constructive answer or advice do you see that they gave? *chuckle*
I mean with the power of hindsight if I had taken my college tuition and invested in Amazon, then Enphase Energy and then NIVIDIA as a day trader I could be worth $665 million.

Spoiler alert, I am not.
I mean with the power of hindsight if I had taken my college tuition and invested in Amazon, then Enphase Energy and then NIVIDIA as a day trader I could be worth $665 million.

Spoiler alert, I am not.
I feel you on that. A friend in college told me that the smartest thing I could ever do was buy 100 bucks worth of Bitcoin and not look at it until I retired. It was around 50 cents a coin back then. I would be retired now if I had done that instead of buying 5 cases of beer.
Its actually super easy to make money day trading if you are using cash. Price jumps around all day, buy on a dip sell when it goes up a bit. You might trade in and out of a particular stock several times in a day making small percentages each time. Only issue is if it falls off a cliff but you can usually see if its bouncing around vs in a free fall.

Sometimes you time it wrong and have to hold something for a bit, and by bit I generally mean a few days or weeks at worst, assuming you are doing this with solid stocks and not crap.

Now why do most day traders loose money. 1) They are not trading stocks but options 2) The gains per trade are super low and generally not worth your time unless you are using a massive bank roll. People trade on margin. So instead of using their $1000 to buy and sell 10 shares at around $100 apiece making $.50 per share per trade they use margin to multiply that out and be making $10k or $20k trades with their $1k. Gains are multiplied but so are losses and they can quickly exceed what you were playing with. Many also then use options which multiplies risk and reward combined with margin to do the same and can super quickly loose real $$.

I actually find day trading small sums of money rather fun and easy to win at. It causes issues with having to register my account as a day trader and show all the transactions on my taxes for something that makes me very little money though so I dont mess with it anymore.

If you want a simple way to make money in the market you are better off just DCAing into SPY and perhaps selling covered calls on it to increase your income (though limiting upside).
Everytime I see what my average on Apple and Phillips 66 are from buying in 2020, I just shake my head and wonder why I didnt dump my life savings into those two and walk away.
And aren’t you glad you didn’t copy Buffet and dump a ton of Apple in the 4th qtr, averaging $180s
And aren’t you glad you didn’t copy Buffet and dump a ton of Apple in the 4th qtr, averaging $180s
Yea, I dont really follow Buffet that much to be honest. No doubt the dude is extremely smart and successful at what he does but what he is investing for and what I am investing for arent really the same.
It seems to me that Buffets strategy is getting copied enough to make it more difficult for him to implement. Now he has a lot more Capital than most....which means he needs really big deals to move the needle which are few and far between.

I've owned BRKB for awhile and think they will continue to grind out decent returns from their solid businesses....but it seems the world has caught up and caught on to him. I keep hoping for a big special dividend, which will probably only happen if he passes.

It's easy to Day or Position trade when the market is with you.....but with fundamentals deteriorating currently, I'm holding my dry powder. My thesis is it will take a little while for Trumps strategy to work...and in the meantime the massive layoffs and tariffs will create some short term pain.
At home day traders are like gamblers, they'll tell you all day about the $300 they won at slots last week but never tell you that they put $1000 in to the machine. Very few ever do better than an index fund.
Everyone always talks about their winners, see above- you never hear about the losers- grin.
My losers........2000 and 2001. I just held onto everything I had after the big run-up in 1999. The bubble burst, I held on. Then the election came, and "there's always an election rally", so I held on. Then we had the "hanging chad" and 36 days of "the unknown". It took 17 years for my account to get back to what it was worth in early March of 2000.

Ya, after that experience I was done with the "buy and hold" mentality. I time the market these days every time I see a change coming. I'm normally early on my predictions, so I forego some gains in the process. But these days I'm like Buffett........I'd rather have the cash sitting there waiting to reinvest rather than eeking out another 10% at a top. However, I do trade in my IRA's (Roth & Trad) on some of the big market moves I see. I did that this week, but when I do those kinds of trades, I generally don't hold a position overnight. I take the gain and move on.