Stock market opportunities


Jul 12, 2023
An acquaintance retired at 40 after making a killing day trading and he’s seeing the volatility in the market as a huge opportunity. Computer models have taken much of the profit potential away from day traders, but the rash of daily announcements seems to be providing all sorts of semi predictable movements in the market. Which funds are the quickest to take advantage of volatility like this?

I’m rather dumb and invest at recession bottoms like Warren Buffet - he’s cash rich right now, so I’m saving as much as possible to get cash levels up until he goes all in again. Lol
90% of day traders loose money statistically…

I would never day trade… your better off dollar cost averaging and investing in good companies you believe in.

This is by no means financial advice just my two cents…
If only there wasnt a 644 page, 5 year long thread discussing this exact same topic.
Gave myself mental whiplash today following the S&P. Started out terribly, turned briefly positive about an hour before closing, then plunged again, but higher than session low earlier.
The problem with timing position trades is that the smartest guys in the world have a hard time doing it.

Can you make money buying TSM, GS or F right now- I think so....but they might drop even more with the tariff stuff ratcheting up- which is my bet. I have some of those positions on and dry powder to buy more of those 3 and a few more as part of a DCA strategy. I'm watching for a huge volume down day to support levels.

BTW, I was watching the VIX....yeah it's up there but does quite seem at capitulation stage....I bet there will be more selling.

speaking of Buffet, He has a pile of cash right now....and refuses to buy back shares. So he must think those are expensive. He doesn't do special dividends like I wish he would. So he is stuck underperforming a little with all of that cash. He should have bought the Panama Canal instead of Blackrock.
If you want to gamble.... crypto is what is seeing the largest swings up and down right now...