Steiner Predator 8 vs NF NX8


Mar 4, 2015
New Zealand
Hey guys, Have a new build coming through soon

7prc with 20" barrel and suppressor but unsure on the scope

I have a vx5 that i can run on it.
I have a nx8 on another rifle but has anyone compaired them with the Predator 8?

looking at the 3-24x50

About $2000 difference down here in New Zealand and i just can't justify paying 5k for a NX8

Cheers guys
Mate tell me about it there is next to no reviews for these at all. I’m from NZ as well and wanting to pull the trigger on one because it seems like the perfect scope for a “super pig” type build but worried it’s gonna not have the performance I’m after. What’s interesting is lots of places have them listed online in NZ and overseas but quite a few are sold out so there’s obviously a decent amount in circulation. None I could find on the secondhand market as well which is usually where subpar scopes end up.
Well I went into my local H&F today to take a look through one and the 3-24x50 was down from $2999 to $1999, had a look through it and a chat to the salesperson and walked out with it and also spent the savings on a new gun lol what a steal, the scope looks great so far but even budget scopes can look great during the day so time will tell. Go and see if you can get a similar price for that it’s worth a shot I reckon
Well I went into my local H&F today to take a look through one and the 3-24x50 was down from $2999 to $1999, had a look through it and a chat to the salesperson and walked out with it and also spent the savings on a new gun lol what a steal, the scope looks great so far but even budget scopes can look great during the day so time will tell. Go and see if you can get a similar price for that it’s worth a shot I reckon
Did they have any left?
Don’t believe so since they took my one from the display but I didn’t ask, they had a 2-16 still though also on major discount
Reviving this thread to hear if you have updated comments on your Steiner Predator 8.
