As we get into the offseason (barring turkey hunting of course), do you guys continue to shoot and keep your big-game hunting skills in top form? What are some of the things you've found helpful that others could do now to prep for next season?
These are great tips. Thanks!Ground squirrels and rock chucks, stuff like the Form drill or Kraft drill.
If you haven't done it before, now is an excellent time to do a 20-30 round (multiple sessions if you prefer) group to find the true cone of fire of your rifle.
10 round groups from various positions to track POI difference between shooting positions (bipod/rear bag vs resting on a pack vs shooting sticks vs seated off a tripod vs standing off tripod vs however else you shoot)
Drop test your gear to make sure it's as robust as you think.
Sounds like a great idea. Good luck competing in the future!Something I'll be doing starting this year is taking at least one precision rifle class in the summer/fall every year. Next year I'll also start doing some NRL22 matches to see how I like them, with the idea of possibly branching out to a centerfire NRL match.
Those few things go a long way!physical fitness...shoot 3D archery...try to get to the rifle range at least once per month. I know that's not much for most, but my primary weapon is a bow. Doing a hog hunt in TX in a few weeks...Spring Bear would be a good one, too. I am hoping to do that next year.
Great idea!Shoot the bow a bunch, this year I’m going to try and carry my .223 whenever I’m out and shoot coyotes while scouting etc, nothing preps you like a real live target, getting them to stop, dialing or holding over in real environments, plus it will help out the ungulates and turkeys and grouse