Stan Onnex Clicker question

Keep the advice coming , this is all great info! I’ve been curious about the shotiq course

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If I had bought the course when I had my Solex I would not have bought the clicker. There would have been zero need.

My wife and son both use the Solex, BTW.
Interesting, why’s that?

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People “upgrade” styles of releases because they are chasing consistency and accuracy for the most part. What I realize now is that is nonsense and the Solex is capable of the same accuracy as any handheld for all but the best archers.

My wife is showing me that quite well…🤦‍♂️
Also I thought the clicker would help my target panic. What I know now is that it was my shot process and not thinking intentionally through the process that was my problem.
People “upgrade” styles of releases because they are chasing consistency and accuracy for the most part. What I realize now is that is nonsense and the Solex is capable of the same accuracy as any handheld for all but the best archers.

My wife is showing me that quite well…🤦‍♂️
That’s interesting. I don’t see my move from the wise guy to the clicker as an “upgrade” rather something new for confidence. Since I already struggle with essential tremor (which will only get worse), confidence is huge for me.
That’s interesting. I don’t see my move from the wise guy to the clicker as an “upgrade” rather something new for confidence. Since I already struggle with essential tremor (which will only get worse), confidence is huge for me.
You will be more accurate with the clicker than the wiseguy for sure. I don’t know how people can’t be punching a wise guy with how light the trigger is. There’s zero way to get a good wrap on the trigger and slowly pull through the shot.

I tried for a year. It’s just not designed for that type of shot.

That said, if the clicker gives you issues with the tremor you might try the Solex since it can be set cold with a lot of travel significantly reducing accidental releases.
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You will be more accurate with the clicker than the wiseguy for sure. I don’t know how people can’t be punching a wise guy with how light the trigger is. There’s zero way to get a good wrap on the trigger and slowly pull through the shot.

I tried for a year. It’s just not designed for that type of shot.

That said, if the clicker gives you issues with the tremor you might try the Solex since it can be set cold with a lot of travel significantly reducing accidental releases.

How do you have the clicker set up? A lot of trigger travel? Less trigger travel? And for the tension hot or cold?

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You will be more accurate with the clicker than the wiseguy for sure. I don’t know how people can’t be punching a wise guy with how light the trigger is. There’s zero way to get a good wrap on the trigger and slowly pull through the shot.

I tried for a year. It’s just not designed for that type of shot.

How do you have the clicker set up? A lot of trigger travel? Less trigger travel? And for the tension hot or cold?

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Medium travel. Start with a lot and decrease if it takes you too long to get to the click. Tension is pretty firm. You want the movement to the click to be a slow, intentional press. Then you aim. Then you press slowly until it fires. It’s two movements. People blowing through are either moving way too fast due to too little travel or too cold a tension or they are trying to do it in one movement. That was me.

Practice a lot with a length of paracord or a shot trainer. It’s a totally different shot process than any other thumb release.
Just wanted to update on this. I dumped my Clicker and went back to the Solex. I did a Mountain Archery Fest shoot a few weeks ago and target panic came back in spades. The nervousness that comes from "getting to the click" as "addressing the trigger" was impossible for me to handle. My brain wants two distinct movements for addressing the trigger and the shot. The Solex gives me that and I'm just as accurate as I ever was with the Clicker. Here's 80 yards while dialing in my tape with the Solex. You don't need a handheld to shoot well.

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Just wanted to update on this. I dumped my Clicker and went back to the Solex. I did a Mountain Archery Fest shoot a few weeks ago and target panic came back in spades. The nervousness that comes from "getting to the click" as "addressing the trigger" was impossible for me to handle. My brain wants two distinct movements for addressing the trigger and the shot. The Solex gives me that and I'm just as accurate as I ever was with the Clicker. Here's 80 yards while dialing in my tape with the Solex. You don't need a handheld to shoot well.

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You’re right, the whole handheld thing is ridiculous, I mostly blame Dudley for that. Anyway trying to shoot an extreme 3D course with TP is a recipe for disaster.
I tried one out the other day at a shop. It was set hotter after the click than I wanted and had more travel than I liked. I was still able to punch right through the click a couple times but also had a couple shots where I felt like I used it as intended and made great shots. I can see how it’s a great release for some.