I would also like to add to ditch the smith machine squats, it has its time and place for specifically targeting muscle groups but I don’t think it aligns with what you’re trying to accomplish. I wouldn’t worry about the knees over toes on your squat unless it’s causing you pain. Plenty of powerlifters out there with a more narrow stance with a “knees over toes” squat, squatting upwards of 8-900 pounds. It’s more about your biomechanics and building tendon strength over years of training. I wouldn’t worry definitely subscribe to knees over toes guy on YouTube and integrate some of his stuff into your training. Most back country injuries occur on the decent loaded and a lot of those are from knee instability. I start each of my workouts with 3-5 minutes of backward sled drags. That has helped with my overall general physical preparedness and built up my knee strength and stability drastically. I also agree with some of the others use to use uni lateral exercises to build up stability. I would still squat to build overall strength and be sure to brace correctly to build core strength. Suitcase carries would be great for what you’re wanting. I would also focus on postural muscle strengthening. Upper back strength to keep yourself upright and in a good strong position. I think this gets overlooked. I also add farmers carries into my daily warmup along with the backwards sled drags and focus on good posture. Hope some of this helps, best of luck!
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