Squats vs Walking Lunges

I train year round so I can chase elk every September. When I first took weight lifting serious, I would do bench, squat, deadlift with the arm/shoulder auxiliary lifts. Pretty stereotypical weightlifting plan really. When I got stronger and bigger, I slowed down a lot because more muscle requires more oxygen. My friends would out hike me most times. I switched my plan up over time to do more cardio/endurance and functional strength training with some cardio and haven’t looked back instead of doing the core barbell lifts. When I use weights, I’m using dumbbells and kettlebells most of the time. I think lunges are most beneficial because you’re increasing your balance with a weighted load, working your core stabilizer muscles, and building individual leg/foot strength for stepping up on that log, rock, or next level as you ascend the mountain. This is where lunges have proved most beneficial to me. Squats can help with overall strength/power, but lunges apply more to hunting in my opinion. I started using the Mtn Tough training programs and they focus a lot on circuit training with lunges, step ups, cardio, and some upper body. Their workouts suck most times, but they’re worth it.

I have no strong opinions about how to go about strength and conditioning. I’m just going off of my own experiences and what I’ve learned over the years. If you’re in the gym to make yourself a better hunter, you’re going about it the right way I think. No matter how that looks.

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Zercher, deadlift, pullups, sled for strength

Walking lunges, step ups, step downs, band work for conditioning/prehab/rehab

Ruck for practice

Imo the lunge is one of the most beneficial movements to practice in the gym because of its ability to engage smaller stabilizer muscles around the knee and hips during a walking pattern. Heavy with small rep counts or light with big counts, it is a very functional pattern with low risk for injury. That being said, the movements that you enjoy are the ones you will do more often and see the greatest benefit from, so if you like to squat, squat. Deadlift? Deadlift.

Personally I love the lunge and sled push/pull because of how safe those movements are and how they incorporate functionality into stength building.

Try lots of movements, and find the ones that help you and your goals.
Focus on whichever one you can do comfortably and without pain. As far as hunting conditioning goes, it’s really tough to beat unilateral work for strength and conditioning (I.e. lunges, step-ups, Bulgarian’s). If you have a solid squat foundation, you will get even more from these lifts.
Now, now, all you Smith machine haters. I used the Smith machine to good effect when rehabbing after a shoulder replacement. I did pushups on the bar set high and kept moving it down rung by rung until I could do pushups on the floor again. So there, it has a purpose.
I totally agree with a variety of suggestions for you here.

-Finding the exercises you enjoy doing that benefit your goals (sustainability)
-Core stability and upper body strength exercises can help your hiking/hunting performance as well
-Yes, ruking and cardio/metabolic workouts cannot be replaced by strength work. They’re complimentary
-Lateral movement (side lunges, Cossack squat) and anti-rotation/anti-lateral flexion work for your core is helpful for difficult off trail hiking too. A few examples would be: walking/lunging with 1DB/KB in hand, pallof squats and lunges
Quick question guys. I watched the MT form video on squats. They say no toes over knees.

DId squats this morning and cannot make that work. I tried with the 2x under my heels and without. I had no problems with either way, but with the 2x my knees were further over my toes.

Big deal, squat away, quit and go home?

Thanks guys
Lots of great info above, I'll add the few years of experience I've gained and was very late in life to the exercise game and a nearly 30 year break from days in the mountains when stations at Kirtland AFB in ABQ NM.

I do many of those listed above plus some for pure cardio and machines to target specific muscle groups 1 or 2x per week.

ONE key point above is the gym can't replicate the mountains. I live in SE Texas and can't replicate them without a day or preferably overnight trip to one of our hill country parks. I try to tie that in when can.

What I do is lace up the boots with 50-70 pounds on a pack frame and walk the large drainage ditches in the neighborhood and bleachers at the school. Not the best but better than a treadmill.

I'll add this to it. It's great for those of us up in years and for prepping troublesome knees for the hills.
This is not only a great knee exercise but it's intense cardio and a top to bottom front to back leg workout, so efficiency of time is through the roof.

I've had good results from doing it all. Currently it's a mix of Zerchers, RDLs, Split leg goblet squats, lateral step ups, and rucking. Next month it will be deads, reverse lunges, forward step ups, and rucking.

Mix in some continuous movement and tempo training to really being to hate life.
I would like to hear this too? 🤔

Just a presumption but Id bet @Yung6ix is referring to the benefit of a unilateral movement like the lunge to be superior to a systemic strength building exercise like the squat for functionality specific to the mountains. Unilateral movements build resilience and practical movement memory for the mountains better than a squat. Maximizing systemic loads through exercises like the squat is better targeted at sport specific athletes and more efficient for building fast twitch type power than the lunge.

Imo, mountain hunting is typically a long duration, muscle endurance event that relies heavily on resilient, robust movement patterns in order for the hunter to stay healthy and efficient. While the squat surely has a place in the mountain hunters gym routine, I would not consider it the “king” or even a priority movement to practice. Lunges(trained midweight, high volume) engage more mountain specific movement patterns while also focusing on slower twitch type muscle building for those long duration bouts in steep, uneven terrain.

Of course neither one of these lower body movements replaces ambulation with a heavy pack in a mountain environment, but if I had to choose just one movement to perform in the gym for mountain hunting:

The lunge( imo theoretically the “King”)

Step ups, step downs, split squats and good old fashion walking lunges
I think you need both, if you’re just starting out do lunges to work your stabilizing muscles, then do both. I I 3 sets 5x reps for near max for squats once a week with a 10 rep set after. I do lunges 3 days a week. Reverse on squat day (2x20) 2 sets of Cossack squats, back foot elevated split squats (3x6) and RDL’s. They all serve a purpose.
I’ll start by defining terms. For the purposes of my post, “squats” mean barbell back squats, bar high or low, and not some other squatting variation.

I don’t think any exercise is indispensable, but many are advantageous. There are probably advantages to doing squats for most people. But squats have existed for a century or so, meaning that for millennia strong, capable people got that way without squats.

So if you want to squat, do so. If you don’t want to, you too can still perform at a high level. Example: several notable running backs have shunned squats and still probably been the best possible performing of themselves.

Now neither you nor I can train by doing hill sprints and then blow through tacklers like Walter Payton or Herschel Walker. But can we do hill sprints (or walking lunges) and still be the best possible performing version of ourselves?
Do explain.
Both exercises have their place: two-legged squats build overall body strength, single leg exercises require more balance and are more directly applicable to hunting/hiking with a pack.

If your goal is to put as much weight on your back as possible and lift it from sitting to standing position, two-legged squats will build the power you need. As a hunter, that's helpful up to maybe 2x your body weight, but after that, is it really giving you much practical benefit? If you weigh 175 and the heaviest pack you will ever have to put on and stand up with is 100 lbs, are you getting much usable benefit from being able to squat more than 350? Probably not.

If your goal is to hike with a heavy pack in the mountains, you will see your hiking performance improve the most with single leg exercises. Personally, I get the most benefit from walking toe lunges holding a dumbbell, followed by banded monster walks. Those two exercises do a terrific job of building muscular endurance for mountain hunting with a pack.
Lots of good advice in here (and contradictory and possibly just plain bad) — I’ll add my very general to the mix as well.

Unless you’re a well-trained athlete (and honestly, even if you are), you’re probably better off finding a workout plan specifically for your goals and following that. MTNTOUGH has good stuff, so does Mountain Tactical Institute, and a bunch of others. Find programming you can do and stick with and go from there.

If you’re trying to hack something together yourself based on what you’re reading online and learning from watching YouTube, you’ll inevitably have an unbalanced program with conflicting overarching goals. Leave it to a professional to program for you and then just follow the script. MTI has some backcountry on-ramp plans for like $60 bucks one-time — that’s probably well-worth it.