Been sitting on this for a while- since the middle of May. As a long time Tikka shooter with zero issues I decided that I’d try a different manufacturer in the 6.5 prc. Mainly because Tikkas were hard to come by when I was looking and I’ll be honest, the Waypoint is a nice looking and great feeling rifle. I could not find a bad review on them when I was looking into them, until I dove REALLY deep after I had problems with mine. Even then people seemed to have minor issues they worked through. If anyone has solutions or similar issues, or ideas I’d like to hear them. The Waypoint has been recommended quite a bit it seems. Some of the “official firearm terms and lingo” may not be exactly correct for all the people who think they may need to say “it’s not called ”this” it’s called “that’’. Whatever. Here she goes…..
Middle of May- bought the rifle after quite a bit of research for quite some time. Like I said, overwhelmingly positive fit and feel, as well as reviews and recommendations. I get the gun home from the store, fill the mag, and cycle the action. Immediately the bolt is dragging on top of the cartridge below the one being chambered. I cycle the bolt and the cartridge chambered extracts but does not eject from the action. I feel the bolt drag again on the second cartridge. I pull it out and load the second into the chamber. The bolt drags on the next cartridge (3rd in a 3 round mag). I repeat the cycle and everything happens again.
Inspecting the cartridges, they all have pretty severe scaring on them from the bolt sliding over them. Enough so that I would not want to use them again for reloading, and I don’t think I will ever fire them period, because I don’t want them in any rifle with the amount of brass scratched off and flaking off in this specific rifle. Brass flaking off the cartridges inside the action like crazy. They also have a large ding and ear in the brass from the brass hitting the rear end of the ejection port.
I reloaded the mag several times with the same and different ammunition, and it doesn’t change. I never fired the rifle.
The good: I reached out to Springfield, and the guy on the phone was adamant that it was all caused by the mag and he very quickly sent me a new mag on the house. That was great service. But that’s where it ended with Springfield.
The mag i was sent didn’t fix anything. I researched more and spent money on a different mag, and a mag lip angle tool, and tried other things and nothing worked.
I took the rifle back in to the store I got it from and have purchased other rifles from, and luckily the guys in there have been great, because Springfield hasn’t been. I ran through everything with them and they were as frustrated as I was. They sent it back to Springfield and it was 2 months before it came back to the store.
The bad: It came with a note saying the gun functioned properly and they did nothing to it. I got a call from one of the guys in the gun shop saying it was finally back but Springfield did not do anything to it. He cycled the gun and the problems were still 100 percent there. He called Springfield and explained things again, and regarding the rifle not ejecting the cartridges at all, Springfield told him something along the lines of “This action is based off of old school long range precision actions and shooters who don’t want the empty cases ejected from the rifle, they like to take them out by hand.” Basically stating that’s how the gun is supposed to function.
My store said BS and sent it back immediately and I never saw it again— until today. It took another 2 months for Springfield to look at it and get it back, with another note saying it functions normal and they did nothing to it. Looking at it they clearly heavily oiled the action but that was the only thing we could find. We cycled the action with ammunition and surprise, it worked Flawlessly! BUT, only for 4-5 rounds. Then it was back to the same problems it has had.
I purchased this rifle in the middle of May, and haven’t even shot the thing one time. Springfield appears to not be trying very hard at all to even find the problems, because they are very obvious problems. I had the rifle for a week, and Springfield has had it for 16 weeks (4 months) without touching any of the issues. My store guys are going to reach out one last time and try to get springfield to right the situation.
My store guys also informed me of another issue they found on a Springfield Waypoint they had in the store, but I will wait and see what Springfield does before commenting about what the issue is. I will say that the issue is something that sounds like it belongs in the Fierce Rifle thread.
Anyways, there’s a review of my Springfield Waypoint 2020 in 6.5prc. I would caution people looking at that rifle. If you have questions ask, and if anyone thinks that some of the issues the rifle has are normal or fixable I’m all ears.
Oh yeah, in the meantime I did purchase a Tikka roughtech ember, and the thing is money!! I’m an idiot for looking elsewhere.
**edited to fix my math… I said they’ve had the gun 8 weeks, when they’ve actually had it for almost 16 weeks (4 months)