Spotting scope wrap

Jun 23, 2019
Florida,Dwneast Me,Catskills
Is anybody using Camo Form tape to cover their spotters to give a modicum of protection from dirt and light surface scratches. I have a very well padded hand muff/warmer type deal, that gives pretty good protection while traveling, but looking for some light protection while in the field. I'm not looking to spend $259 bucks for a thin stay on neoprene case. I was looking for cheaper options from Lenscoat but they seem to favor angled glass, and not straight. Specifically looking for Kowa TSN-66s.

Looking to hear from those that have experience with Camo Form tape wrap or other suggestions. Thanks

Huh....Seems I've asked this question about a year and a half ago. Well it's out there now... Maybe there will be some fresh new ideas. Apologies for being redundant.