Spotter Eye Piece- Meopta MeoStar 30-60 WIDE vs 20-70

I have a buddy who now has both an angled and straight version (the Cabelas models with fixed eyepieces) and is trying to decide which one to sell. I believe he's leaning toward selling the angled. His name on here is "bucko." You might shoot him a message. (BTW, myself and 2 of my hunting pals own S2's and love them. Good choice!)
Thanks for the info. I think I’m going to hold out for an S2 with the 30-60x wide angle lens. Which is unfortunate because the Cabelas are a nice price. Thanks again for the help.
Thanks for the info. I think I’m going to hold out for an S2 with the 30-60x wide angle lens. Which is unfortunate because the Cabelas are a nice price. Thanks again for the help.
That's understandable. For what it's worth, I have the Meopta version and both eye pieces. Before buying, all I'd ever looked through was the 20-70 eyepiece, and it was what sold me on the S2. I just had to get my own.

I bought a used one with the 30-60 WA, then found a 20-70x eye piece for a great price and bought that too. I still can't say which I like better. No matter which I have while in the field, I have yet to wish I had the other (yes, I obviously don't need both).

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I bought the 30-60 WA. I find the 30 is a bit much to start with. Kinda wish I had a lower X many times. And I find it rather fish-eyed. Overall clarity is pretty nice.
Thanks for all the info from everyone who has used this scope. This will be my first high end spotter purchase and I’m trying to make it a buy once, cry once experience.
Thanks for all the info from everyone who has used this scope. This will be my first high end spotter purchase and I’m trying to make it a buy once, cry once experience.
I have an astigmatism and I had a kidney bean effect with the 30-60, I only used it with the phone adapter because looking through the eye piece F’d me up sometimes. I can’t look through the EL’s either. Everyone’s eyes are different and mine are continually getting worse, that is just my experience with my messed up eyes. If I didn’t have the kidney bean with that eye piece I never would have got rid of it
I have an astigmatism and I had a kidney bean effect with the 30-60, I only used it with the phone adapter because looking through the eye piece F’d me up sometimes. I can’t look through the EL’s either. Everyone’s eyes are different and mine are continually getting worse, that is just my experience with my messed up eyes. If I didn’t have the kidney bean with that eye piece I never would have got rid of it
I read about other users talking about the "fish-eye" or "kidney bean" effect with the 30-60 WA. If you dig deeper I believe you'll find it's probably 50/50 on preference in terms of the eye piece choice. Personally, I really only notice the "fish-eye" effect when panning too quickly. Don Qui Puncher is spot on. It depends on the user.

We've had our spotters side by side in the field, one with the 30-60x WA and one with the 20-70x. On the high end, when looking at a bull over 2 miles away, I thought the extra 10x would make a big difference. It did not make an appreciable difference, at least in that situation.

Choosing between the eye pieces is kind of like choosing between an angled or straight spotter, in my opinion. Sometimes I wish I had a straight spotter, and sometimes I prefer my angled. Either way, angled or straight, WA or 20-70x, you're getting a high end spotting scope that is useful throughout the magnification range.