Sports Drinks, Supplements


Feb 25, 2012
N.E Oregon
I have used WA Hydrate & Recover and Energy & Focus for several years. I do think it helps stay hydrated and helps with energy levels at times.

Who else out there uses these types of supplements?

Any nutritional gurus care to offer some input? Or is this a waste of $$?

Thanks in advance



Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 27, 2012
Roseville, CA.
I am not an expert, but they seem pricey and gimmicky. I didn't like the taste much either. Reality is all the hydration drinks are probably 90% the same, so it could be a matter of finding one you like at a reasonable cost. But like I said, I am no expert nutrionalist.

Broken Arrow

Mar 5, 2012
Grain valley, Mo
In my opinion we where made for water water water water! I'm a thirsty guy natural so i drink a ton anyways. I do have them when I want some flavor and/or water just doesn't do it.

Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Not an expert either but I do like my money. There are several things the WA makes that I like but it is way overpriced IMO. I can find products of similar or better quality at my local grocers for less money. I do like supporting outdoor related companies and would buy more of their product if they get to a competitive price point.

I am adding Accelrade to the water I drink while cycling. The rest of my H2O intake is plain water. I dont like adding stuff to the water I use when hunting because the containers can get pretty funky if not washed out after a few days.

Right now our food bar drawer has Pro Bars, Raw Revolution, and Kind bars.



Feb 27, 2012
i use the hammer nutrition products a lot. perpetuem, heed, gels, enduralytes.


Apr 30, 2012
Mt. Rainier
Not an expert either but I do like my money. There are several things the WA makes that I like but it is way overpriced IMO. I can find products of similar or better quality at my local grocers for less money. I do like supporting outdoor related companies and would buy more of their product if they get to a competitive price point.

I am adding Accelrade to the water I drink while cycling. The rest of my H2O intake is plain water. I dont like adding stuff to the water I use when hunting because the containers can get pretty funky if not washed out after a few days.

Right now our food bar drawer has Pro Bars, Raw Revolution, and Kind bars.


Ok, I agree with the "Like my money part". I've been using the WA Multi Vitamin and Omega 3 for awhile. I like the Honey Badger protien powder better (personal preferance), but when you say "equal or better quality..." what is that? I am not sure how you qunatify that or tell the difference when you are at the "local grocery". My experience is the stuff at the local grocery is more expensive... but I don't know how I would know if it is BETTER quality???


May 2, 2012
I use Gatorade Powder and I for sure notice a difference in energy after drinking it.....I was actually going to start a topic on this, but if you do not mind maybe someone can answer both our questions.

Is there something similiar to Gatorade powder on the market that weighs less? When I pack back enough gatorade for 4-6 days it is very heavy and I wanted to see if something is out there similiar, but weighs much less?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 27, 2012
Roseville, CA.
JNDEER I use the Gatorade stuff but only half the amount as reccomended because it so sweet. Also of you just have a couple doses a day verse all day the weight is reduced.
Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
I used nuun last year but all those tabs are heavy. Going with a powder for flavor this year. Sqwincher did me well at the end of last year so i may go with those again if I cant find an alternstive i like.

Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Ok, I agree with the "Like my money part". I've been using the WA Multi Vitamin and Omega 3 for awhile. I like the Honey Badger protien powder better (personal preferance), but when you say "equal or better quality..." what is that? I am not sure how you qunatify that or tell the difference when you are at the "local grocery". My experience is the stuff at the local grocery is more expensive... but I don't know how I would know if it is BETTER quality???

I have never used WA Multi Vitamins so I was not speaking about their vitamin line. I have been happy with the Multi that I get from Vitamin Cottage. The products I am referring to is the bars and drink mixes. This is one of the bars I use while hiking, hunting, biking ETC . Based on the nutrition chart and ingredients list I think these are similar in quality as any of the WA bars. The regular price of the Probar is higher than the regualr of the WA Bar, but on sale locally I can stock up on ProBars for about $.60 less than the sale price of WA bars. I find the same for drink mixes.

I just went to their site and cant find any food bars, did they stop making them?

I do like the Altitude Advantage and don't think anything compares to that, I do buy that from WA. Its about time to reorder a few bottles so I will look through some of the newer products I just saw on the site.



Apr 30, 2012
Mt. Rainier
I've never used the food bars. I usually just make up my own little bag of nuts and dried fruits for about as cheap as it can be done. The bars ARE convenient though. I don't see them on the site either, wonder what is up there?

I tried the WA "energy and focus", "Hydrate and recover" and meal replacment. I don't really care for the meal replacement. It tastes fine, but doesn't mix as easily as the "Honey Badger protien mix" also meal replacements have more calories and I prefer to add freash frozen fruit and peanut butter to my shakes instead. The energy and focus drink has a lot of caffine in it (as do most drinks of this type). I've been working on getting off Blood Pressure meds, and working out and eating right has me half way there so these drinks don't work for me (plus I don't like the caffine feeling). The Hydrate and recover drink is good, IMHO, I like the taste fine, it does have about 50 calories per 8 ounces though. Not that big a deal, but SoBe Life water and Zero Water are both great tasting "0 cal" drinks (pricey though). I just drink water mostly.

Haven't tried "Altitude Advantage" yet.


Classified Approved
Apr 26, 2012
Curtis: I'm guessing their are people on this site who are in "the know", but what I was told at least 6 months ago by the company when I was putting in an order was that WA was looking for someone else to make their product (bars and maybe other things). I stockpiled a bunch at $1/bar and put them in the freezer and still have a couple boxes left. One box is probably going to Alaska with me. I have used most of their products at one time or another and will continue to use them until I figure out where I can get something better for less money. I like the Hydrate & Recovery and the Energy and Focus. Together, they are called "superman's". Seems to be a lot of different products out there and just haven't had enough time to research them better. I also did the Altitude Advantage last year on an elk hunt in Nevada. Not high enough to really test it as you would in Colorado, etc., but I could tell a difference. I have a package of that on the way that was ordered a couple days ago and another jar of the H & R. I have also tried the Life Choice bars that someone else had suggested and like the taste and contents. I have been trying to steer away from the "energy bars" (higher carbs) and towards the "protein bars" (lower carbs and higher protein) for weight loss purposes, but may need to adjust for hunts. TJ, hope this helps.
Apr 10, 2012
Rancho Cordova, CA
Water is key, but after a few days water looses it's appeal. Using drink additives will help you stay hydrated by drinking the water you need. I will usually burn through 1L (Camelback), and then down a 1L Nalgen bottel for dinner. I use the Crystal Light Mango Green tea stuff from the store, and throw in some Emergen-C. This combo works great for me. I actually look forward to it with dinner. Light weight, makes a Mountain House go down better, and the extra what ever it gives you is besides the point. When hunting hard, especially back packing, do what ever it takes to stay hydrated. No Rockstars or Red Bulls. Save those for when you are done.

Duk Dog

Apr 29, 2012
Water is key, but after a few days water looses it's appeal. Using drink additives will help you stay hydrated by drinking the water you need. I will usually burn through 1L (Camelback), and then down a 1L Nalgen bottel for dinner. I use the Crystal Light Mango Green tea stuff from the store, and throw in some Emergen-C. This combo works great for me. I actually look forward to it with dinner. Light weight, makes a Mountain House go down better, and the extra what ever it gives you is besides the point. When hunting hard, especially back packing, do what ever it takes to stay hydrated. No Rockstars or Red Bulls. Save those for when you are done.

Forgot about Crystal Light and Emergen-C. I also use those in addition to the nuun tabs to help mix it up a bit.
Apr 10, 2012
Rancho Cordova, CA
Forgot about Crystal Light and Emergen-C. I also use those in addition to the nuun tabs to help mix it up a bit.

Tried Nuuns during an Ultra. Kinda threw it up. Didnt like the taste at that point in time. I was a little low on water, salt, and food. So it had nothing to do with the Nuun's them self.