Speer Grand Slam? Or something similar?

Jan 14, 2018
NE Iowa
For over a month now I have been trying to develop a 140gr Accubond load for my .270 with no luck. Been up and down the powder scale with both IMR4831 and H4350. No matter the powder charge groups range anywhere from 2”-4” at 100 yards. Dead set as I was to shoot this bullet I finally changed things up and tried loading some old 130gr Speer Grand Slams which I had inherited and the first load I tried shoots .75” groups.

Money is a concern with me so I can’t afford to try every powder and bullet under the sun. I have read less than flattering things about today’s Grand Slams but would welcome more opinions. Or should I spend my money on some 130gr Accubonds instead, hoping my gun simply didn’t like the 140 grains rather than the accubonds themselves? Or maybe another suggestion for a 130gr bullet? I am wanting to use this gun primarily for mule deer, but would like it to be elk capable as well.

If my gun shoots 130’s good but struggles with 140’s, are 150gr bullets out of the question? My original bullet choices were the 140 Accubonds or 150 Partitions. Given what I have told you what would you try next?
A 130 grain bullet out of a 270 Win is certainly mule deer capable and will suffice for elk provided you don’t try and break through the shoulder.

I’d just stick with those if that’s what your gun likes.

Contrary to internet “knowledge” hundreds of thousands of elk and mule deer have fallen to 270’s shooting Core Lokts and Power Points and other cup and core bullets over the years, and each year more are added to the list.
Shoot a few whitetails with 150gr grand slams out of a .308 win when I was a kid. Including breaking shoulders on a 220 lb 8 pt.
They aren’t as pretty as an accubond but they hold together just as well in my experience.

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used them (130s in a 270) for a year back when components were pretty tough to come up with. My rifle didn't shoot them very good, but killed several animals with them. Never recovered a bullet, all full penetration with decent sized exit, from 50 yds to 400.
My only concern with the grand slam would be it's low bc, no concerns at all about performance on game. Just run your ballistics with it, and know your effective range. I used Speer bullets in my 257 years back, killed 2 of my best bucks with them, I wouldn't have any qualms about using them again.
Contrary to internet “knowledge” hundreds of thousands of elk and mule deer have fallen to 270’s shooting Core Lokts and Power Points and other cup and core bullets over the years, and each year more are added to the list.

I killed at least a dozen elk with a 270 and 130g bullets of a few different sorts. For the 25 years I’ve been hunting all I had was a 270 for ~ 20 of those years. I never lost an animal because of the gun. Even though I don’t shoot much 270 (well none really) these days,I still think about adding one to the stable sometimes.
270win 130gr bullet and h4831 go together like ice cream and apple pie. The grand slam bullet is expensive for the technology. For elk- accubond, or partition for similar price range. The velocity and sd are what kill with the 270. Get 3100fps and your damn near unbeatable are reasonable ranges. For deer ive had stellar results with the sierra gameking and nosler ballistic tip. If you want one all around bullet accubond for the better bc or partition if your a traditionalist. Try finding them cheaper on nosler sps.


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.277 150gr grand slams hammered an elk for my wife last year and shoot very... very well. From what i understand, the Speer GS is just a beefier Nosler partition. and the price is great. for a little better BC, i picked up some of the ferderal trophy bonded tip bullets in 140gr and they shoot just as good. h4831-sc was much better than 4350 in her tikka.