

Jul 4, 2015
NW Montana
The alarm was set for 3:30 AM. I awoke 15 minutes before it was time to go off as this is quite normal for me. I was up out of bed, fully dressed and ready for a cup of Joe and perhaps something to eat. By 4:30 all the gear was loaded onto the horses and we started up the trail from the last gate. It was pitch black on the trail for the three hour ride on uncertain ground to Rock Lake where the horses could be tethered for the day without concern. We climbed to a point where we could begin to glass the steep slopes of the Cabinet Mountains. It was the beginning of a dream I have had for many a year; a hunt for the North American Mountain Goat.
In mid-June of 2011 I was informed that I had drawn a very coveted resident Montana mountain goat tag for zone 100-00 in the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. My spring and summer consisted of walking, hiking and climbing the bleachers at our local high school football field. Preparedness is the key. By early October I was, in my mind, physically prepared for such an adventure. At this point let me say that nothing, but nothing can prepare a 64 year old man for such an adventure. Mountain goat hunting is mountain climbing with a rifle for the possibility of getting a shot at one of these magnificent creatures.
This was the morning of the fist day of my quest to harvest a good Billy. After much glassing and discussion about the four goats seen that morning, it was decided to climb to another basin on the opposite side of the mountain to investigate that area. I am not an accomplished mountain climber by any standards, although I have done a bit in my time and am reasonably confident of my abilities. It took us a good four hours to reach the new area agreed upon. There were some difficult traverses and large bolder fields to cross. The new basin was glassed to no avail as there were no goats to be seen. By this time it was approaching mid afternoon and it was time to get off the mountain now to be able to do so before it got dark. We were approximately at 8,000 feet elevation and descent had to begin immediately. My guide, Eric Weare, proposed that that the wrangler and myself go straight down as we could see the trail below. It was a long climb down. The last quarter mile I was literally falling due to the pain in my upper thighs. Climbing up was torture. Descending was much worse. We arrived back at camp after 8:30 PM.
The weather for the following day was not good. Rain was in the forecast. I informed Eric that I needed time to recover my legs. "Good 'nuff" was his reply. I took four days off. Four days of ibuprofen, hot tub and rest to recover some semblance of muscle tone in my thighs.
The 2nd full day started much as the 1st. The long horseback ride in the early morning blackness of the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness, riding up the trail, gave me much time to reflect upon things that had led up to this adventure. At some point I may have been nearly sleeping, I saw sparks. Sparks? Up here? The horseshoes were striking rocks on the trail and sending off small charges into the black morning. Strange what a person will notice when not entirely focused on the matter at hand. We dismounted at Rock Lake and set off to the north wall on this cold morning to glass the ledges for goats. Eric spotted a good goat on the south face of the basin soon after setting up. The Billy disappeared into a rock recess more than a quarter mile away and at least 800 feet above us. We climbed the north face for more than an hour for a better vantage point to attempt to find this Billy once again. Eric spotted him on a rock perch nearly opposite our vantage point. The distance was laser ranged at 700 yards plus and at a 29 degree upward angle. My heart pounded like a trip hammer. I needed time to regain my composure before attempting this long shot. I took many minutes to prepare. Getting a good solid rest on my back pack and even dry fired my 300 WSM a few a number of times for confidence. The sear tripped and the shot was away. The shot struck 6" below the Billy's chest. I jacked in a second round in preparation of a 2nd chance. The Billy was on the move up into the snow line. I decided against another shot in lieu of wounding this great animal and perhaps not to be able to recover him. The last thing I wanted was to wound one of these great trophies only to loose him. Not a responsible thing in my honest opinion.
Rain was forecast once again for the next day. I took two full days off to once again recover. It did not require as much ibuprofen this time, but the hot tub sure did help. Third day same routine as the 1st two. Up at "0" dark thirty AM. Pack the horses and off into the black abyss of the Cabinets. Rock Lake came quickly. I must be getting used to riding to some degree. At this point I would to point out that my experience with horses has been a trail during my years. Most of the experiences I have had with equine have been bad. We climbed the face of the south basin once again to glass for a goat that Eric had spotted the previous day. He was no more than 100 yards from where Eric had put him to bed the evening before. Off we went to attempt this Billy at more than a half mile and who knows how much above us at this point. He was bedded in notch in an avalanche drainage near the top of the north face of the basin. Three hours plus of climbing alders, bear grass, boulder fields and steep faces put us in reasonable reach of this Billy. Eric had spotted him many times during our ascent. We had to be careful not to be winded as we approached his perch. It was not to be. We rounded a rock out cropping to discover that he was on his feet and climbing higher. He had caught our scent. I got my rifle out of my pack in short time, folded the bipod legs down and lay both on the rock above my head to acquire a firm rest. "Eric, how far"? "Distance, 247 yards at a 65 degree angle" he replied.
My 1st shot went low. Blast it all! I chambered a second round. Eric coached to compose myself and focus. Breathe! Squeeze the trigger. I have done this so many times before. The shot hit the Billy behind the front left shoulder taking his heart and breaking the right front leg. Down he came head over heals tumbling more than 500 feet from where i shot him. I heard myself yelling NO! as he tumbled down and down the rock face above us. In my minds eye I saw him breaking his magnificent horns. Breaking god only knows what else. The Billy landed on a large square rock approximately 50 yards above us. Eric quickly climbed the additional 50 yards up to the Billy. "He's OK" yelled Eric. "Get up here"! I climbed as fast as my old legs allowed. My Billy had a small cut under his left eye; the only outward damage from the fall. My Remington 700, 300 WSM, along with my hand loaded cartridges had done what they were designed to do. The Billy was dead even before he had started to fall. My Billy had suffered little to nothing upon the strike of the 180 grain Nosler accubond.
Eric skinned and butchered the the Billy in less than an hour. On the way up I had worked up a good sweat. An hour on this north face was due cause to make me cold with the wind coming up from the basin floor. It was time to pack this guy up and get out of Dodge. I have to give Eric his due as he packed the Billy all the way down to the horses without so much as asking for my help. The man is half mountain goat himself. Eric grew up in north western Montana. He guides in Alaska and Montana each year. He is truly one tough SOB!
I have taken my sought after North American Mountain goat. He is immortalized in a full mount that is high on a wall in my trophy room. His flesh was prepared and enjoyed by myself and others. There were times, on many rock faces, that I had to call upon my lost son to help me in my resolve to continue this most arduous hunt, he was with me in spirit. Thank you Matthew, I miss you so much!
Those who desire to hunt the many amazing trophies in the world should not hesitate to do so. Life is not a dress rehearsal. You go this way but one time. Dream big! Hunt hard. Kill swiftly. Offer no excuses. I hope you all have enjoyed my grand adventure. (MTGunner)
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Jul 4, 2015
NW Montana
I wrote this story in 2012, submitted it to Safari Club International. It was published the following year. I edited it some what for this forum for length but not content. BTW, I do have pictures but am so blasted computer illiterate I have no idea how to post them. If someone will help in doing so I would greatly appreciate there help in doing so. MTGunner


Jun 13, 2017
Mt gunner. Do you have Eric's phone number? He fits the description of a guy I met in the cabinets. Been trying to track him down for years.

Pm me if you do.