Sonora MX Mule Deer Cancellation Hunt

No Promises

Classified Approved
May 6, 2022
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but my hunting buddy isn’t able to make the hunt.

Sonora, MX Jan 23-Jan 30 2024.

I’ve hunted with outfitter/guide before, it’s completely safe, never had any issues south of the border. Fly into Hermosillo, meets you at airport to transfer rifle & bring you to hunting area(s) 1-2 hours away where we hunt.

It’s his last hunt of the season & guarantee a shooter mule deer or we stay until we find one. Realistic expectations are 180”-190” - Coues deer be added on trophy fee basis too.

200”+ mule deer aren’t as common as the internet makes it seem.

I’m departing from San Antonio, TX, connecting in Phoenix then on to Hermosillo. Message me for more details if interested.


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