I haven't used the solo stove in particular but I have tried a small wood burner (vargo titanium) instead of my isobutane and white gas stoves.
The wood burner was light, and it would heat water. But it took some work, and time. And even more work and time if it was wet, windy and shitty. For a hunting trip, or any trip where I'm really going I'll take the gas. It's quick, simple and I'm eating quickly.
With the wood stove I'd have to find dry wood, and possibly split some if everything is wet, it can't be too windy, and you can't do it in a shelter like I can with my gas stoves.
For that reason the little wood burner will never come on a hunting trip with me again. Now a weekend trip or one where I'm just out to enjoy being out, and I have the time and patience to gather wood, prep and burn it I would take the wood stove possibly. But honestly I prefer my white gas stove for just about any trip.
The only time I will leave the gas stove for wood, is if I have the tipi with and a big wood stove, then it'd consider leaving the gas stove at home.
Just my 2 cents. I know some guys like those little wood burners, but IMO there not worth the time on anything other than a liesure trip into the woods for a few days.