It seems a bunch of guys go solo simply because they can't find a partner willing to do the physical part of backpacking in. I can think of no better forum for guys to get together and build relationships for hunting together. Sure, you might not find the right partner the first time around. But when you do the hunt will be more enjoyable and if someone gets badly hurt you will have a fighting chance of seeing your wives and children again. For you single guys out there I'm positive there are people out there as well that love you and want to see you home and safe again.
I couldn't agree more. I am fortunate to have a brother that wants to hunt just as hard as I do. We're relatively new to western hunting though, and we're a little leary of getting in over our heads. Our rifle hunts with family are in groups, but I think we're discovering that in order to consistently get into animals without waiting a lifetime for a tag we need to get back in deep. Our family is not capable of doing this due to physical limitations.
For anyone interested we are 29 and 27, and we're both physically capable (college football for us both). We'd love to hook up with a one or two guys if anyone might be interested.
One question I have is how many are too many for a backcountry bow hunt (we're most interested in elk)? Seems like most guys hunt in pairs. I can see where more would definitely make it more difficult for spot and stalk bow hunting. Even here at home I've found my biggest success is when I'm hunting alone.