So whats the best GPS for hunting?

I ran the Garmin Inreach mini on my elk hunt a few weeks ago and liked it alot. I was using Onx on my phone as my primary location device but i wanted a backup failsafe in case something went wrong with my phone. The mini worked like a charm and allowed me to use my phone to stay in limited contact with a couple of loved ones through text message as well.
Did exact same, love it!
Brand new to forum and a new On X user. Looking for some clarification on using On X with cell and GPS. Especially in areas where cell coverage is in/out. I hunt areas that are mixed private, public and walk-in, and of course, always being legal is my primary concern. But reading above that it's possible to mark a spot and nav to it is especially interesting as I do a lot of spot/stalk alone with no one to hand signal for me, and I've blown more than enough stalks once things begin to look different from the other side. So that feature alone is gold if I can figure out how to do it. If anyone can provide a bit more clarity on the actual pin drop process and nav between the cell/gps it would be much appreciated.
I ran the Garmin Inreach mini on my elk hunt a few weeks ago and liked it alot. I was using Onx on my phone as my primary location device but i wanted a backup failsafe in case something went wrong with my phone. The mini worked like a charm and allowed me to use my phone to stay in limited contact with a couple of loved ones through text message as well.
Does the battery do well on the mini Inreach?
Brand new to forum and a new On X user. Looking for some clarification on using On X with cell and GPS. Especially in areas where cell coverage is in/out. I hunt areas that are mixed private, public and walk-in, and of course, always being legal is my primary concern. But reading above that it's possible to mark a spot and nav to it is especially interesting as I do a lot of spot/stalk alone with no one to hand signal for me, and I've blown more than enough stalks once things begin to look different from the other side. So that feature alone is gold if I can figure out how to do it. If anyone can provide a bit more clarity on the actual pin drop process and nav between the cell/gps it would be much appreciated.

You can drop pins anywhere. Current location. Projected or desired location. Landmarks, etc. You can do that on your computer or on a mobile device. When you have internet access they will sync.

When I am going out, I always download offline maps ahead of time. Then I go to airplane mode and go to offline in the app. It prevents it from getting hung up while trying to load maps. I have noticed that even if I have downloaded a map, the app will still try load maps if I don't go offline.

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I'm trying to understand the limitations on this pin drop feature when there is no cell service. Can a pin be dropped on either device (cell or gps) regardless of whether or not you have cell service? And will the pin sync between devices w/o cell service?
I'm trying to understand the limitations on this pin drop feature when there is no cell service. Can a pin be dropped on either device (cell or gps) regardless of whether or not you have cell service? And will the pin sync between devices w/o cell service?
Yes. Cell service not needed to drop a pin, mark a waypoint, etc.

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Why is it necessary to switch phone to "Airplane Mode"? Does the GPS not function properly in regular mode when there is a weak/no cell signal?
Why is it necessary to switch phone to "Airplane Mode"? Does the GPS not function properly in regular mode when there is a weak/no cell signal?

GPS work fine with no signal. The app keeps searching and trying to download maps which drains battery on your phone. Running in airplane mode is to extend life of the battery.
Got it, Thx Fen. Sorry I got this thread off track a bit regarding how to use the app, rather than which hardware works best with it, which was the OP's initial question. Seems like the consensus here is that a gps is a "feel-good" device that's primarily used by most as a back up, and that some guys have given up on packing one at all, relying instead on just their smartphones. So now I guess have to decide if buying a gps that is On X compatible is worth it, just to prove to myself that I don't really need it...
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Got it, Thx Fen. Sorry I got this thread off track a bit regarding how to use the app, rather than which hardware works best with it, which was the OP's initial question. Seems like the consensus here is that a gps is a "feel-good" device that's primarily used by most as a back up, and that some guys have given up on packing one at all, relying instead on just their smartphones. So now I guess have to decide if buying a gps that is On X compatible is worth it, just to prove to myself that I don't really need it...
I'll sell you my garmin 64s. It's in really good condition.

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I know this is a year old but has anyone’s opinion changed on this topic? Is everyone still leaning toward the phone/onx app over a handheld gps?
iphone in airplane mode and GAIA gps.. skip onx . My iphone in airplane mode lasts just as long as any dedicated gps. Put a quility lifeproof case on it and it is just as durable as gps unit.
What kind of battery life are you getting wyelkhunter?
When I have it in airplane mode, I leave it on all day. I wake it up occasionally to mark something I want to possibly come back to. Or wake it up just see take look at the surroundings. Most of my hunting is from base camp so it is hard to say. using it daily it always had as much power left as my brothers garmin oregon probably around 90%. I have only used it on a couple of 3 day back pack hunts and one 6 day horse pack hunt and it had enough battery for those with out charging.