So I got a smoker

Lol, im a bit different than most i imagine. As i age i find myself looking for LESS technology and modern gadgets tbh. My wife thinks im joking when i tell her im getting rid of my Iphone, im not. Ive also asked my son to become an engineer, get a job at Ford, and design an F150 classic that comes with ZERO electronic/blue tooth/touch screens etc. Ive even requested he install roll up windows like the truck i drove when i was 17. Imagine, a brand new truck with zero circuit boards or software to go haywire.

Im not built like most nowadays so understand, that is where im coming from when discussing Wifi on something like a smoker, lol. Not trying to dismiss or belittle those that embrace all of it i just despise it all and think its ruining the world, lol. All i see is another headache from yet another piece of tech destined to fail in under 5 years thus disabling a perfectly good smoker that provided minimal benefit in the first place.
You originally said it seems like the most useless feature ever. I wasn’t trying to convince you to buy or use anything, I just explained what they are and how they are used. My smoker works with or without the gadget, if it breaks ( I've used it for probably 8 years or so) I'll immediately purchase another.
Feel free to grab 2 rocks to try and fire up your pit for all I care.

figure out how to get this in the states and I’ll gladly join you on some of your other ideas ( as a second car)

I have almost as many grills/smokers as I do rifles. I have a pellet and for practical purposes it's fine but lacks alot of flavor. It's nice to throw a butt on and not have to feed a fire but they are smokey ovens at the very best. They do alot of things mediocre but nothing exceptionally well. There no substitute for 1/4" (or more) steel welded offset texas pit burning wood for smoking or ripping super hot temps with lump on a kettle/kamado which a pellet cant do either. I get the fad, it's easy and to some it's impressive but stick burners are still king for real smoke and probably will be for my lifetime anyway.
100% agree!
Lol, im a bit different than most i imagine. As i age i find myself looking for LESS technology and modern gadgets tbh. My wife thinks im joking when i tell her im getting rid of my Iphone, im not. Ive also asked my son to become an engineer, get a job at Ford, and design an F150 classic that comes with ZERO electronic/blue tooth/touch screens etc. Ive even requested he install roll up windows like the truck i drove when i was 17. Imagine, a brand new truck with zero circuit boards or software to go haywire.

Im not built like most nowadays so understand, that is where im coming from when discussing Wifi on something like a smoker, lol. Not trying to dismiss or belittle those that embrace all of it i just despise it all and think its ruining the world, lol. All i see is another headache from yet another piece of tech destined to fail in under 5 years thus disabling a perfectly good smoker that provided minimal benefit in the first place.
110% agree.

I have almost as many grills/smokers as I do rifles. I have a pellet and for practical purposes it's fine but lacks alot of flavor. It's nice to throw a butt on and not have to feed a fire but they are smokey ovens at the very best. They do alot of things mediocre but nothing exceptionally well. There no substitute for 1/4" (or more) steel welded offset texas pit burning wood for smoking or ripping super hot temps with lump on a kettle/kamado which a pellet cant do either. I get the fad, it's easy and to some it's impressive but stick burners are still king for real smoke and probably will be for my lifetime anyway.
Exactly the reason I added a smoke daddy to my trigger. I can cold smoke ( or any temp) as long as I want with chunk wood. Then just turn up the heat when ready. It's kinda a pain feeding the smoke daddy, but so is any " smoker". I use the off set, only when we have family things or parties, when we are smoking alot of meat.
Most Saturdays I have either brisket, spare ribs, or a pork butt on my mailbox-modded electric cabinet smoker. Someday I'll build a big old-fashioned horizontal offset stick burner.
Exactly the reason I added a smoke daddy to my trigger. I can cold smoke ( or any temp) as long as I want with chunk wood. Then just turn up the heat when ready. It's kinda a pain feeding the smoke daddy, but so is any " smoker". I use the off set, only when we have family things or parties, when we are smoking alot of meat.
+1 for Smoke Daddy addition. Great option if you want to do any cold smoking. Cold smoked cheese or salmon turn out great.

I have almost as many grills/smokers as I do rifles. I have a pellet and for practical purposes it's fine but lacks alot of flavor. It's nice to throw a butt on and not have to feed a fire but they are smokey ovens at the very best. They do alot of things mediocre but nothing exceptionally well. There no substitute for 1/4" (or more) steel welded offset texas pit burning wood for smoking or ripping super hot temps with lump on a kettle/kamado which a pellet cant do either. I get the fad, it's easy and to some it's impressive but stick burners are still king for real smoke and probably will be for my lifetime anyway.

If you are willing to spend the money, there are some pellets that hold temp rock solid, produce good smoke (as long as good pellets are used) and can get to 600-650°.

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During football season my smoker gets a workout, with a solid preseason during summer with loins, wings, ribs, and briskets. On average at least 1 meal a week throughout the year, summer and fall it’s a few days a week
Buddy has a bullseye he brings to camp, looks like Snoop Dog cracked a window when he opens it up. Is this a larger model you have? I put the Road Warrior on my wish list but I'll switch it to the bullseye if some other models don't smoke enough.
I have a 700. Won't smoke much over 225 degrees or so. Smoker tube solved the issue. Really more like an oven at higher temperatures.
Think of it as a grill with the ability to smoke. We use ours for just about everything. 2-3X a week I would bet. They are extremely versatile. Hot enough to cook steaks, low enough to smoke jerky and everything in between.
I have a 700. Won't smoke much over 225 degrees or so. Smoker tube solved the issue. Really more like an oven at higher temperatures.
I don't claim expertise, but from my experience, nothing smokes well at high temperatures. The hotter the temp, the more complete the burn w/o the smoke. A smoke tube can help at high temps, since it's away from the flame source. I find meat/fish can only take so much smoke. I've found wood type and moisture have more influence on smoke flavor. I store pellets in sealed buckets, and do not leave them in the feeder box due to ambient moisture. With regard to temp, my Mak 2star gets hot enough to sear, which was important to me. I also mix in charcoal type pellets when grilling burgers/dogs/steaks, bc my wife likes the char flavor with the smoke. My BIL uses a green egg and produces excellent results. A smoke tube with a gaser can work. Like most things, have fun mastering what you have.
I have a 700. Won't smoke much over 225 degrees or so. Smoker tube solved the issue. Really more like an oven at higher temperatures.

What pellets do you use?

I regularly smoke pork and chicken at temps up to 275° and get good smoke and bark. Example of a recent pork butt.


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