Snowshoe hare in Colorado?


Dec 10, 2015
Hey guys,
I normally drive out to Craig to rabbit hunt and have always had good luck out there. I recently moved from the Front Range up into the foothills a bit. I’m going to get out and start chasing some bunnies here closer to the new house. Anyone get into snowshoes (or cottontails for that matter) in and around the Indian Peaks or along Peak to Peak or similar? Not looking for any spots, just what sort of terrain and habitat you would look for, what elevation this time of year, etc.


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Hey there,
I'm new to hunting within the last couple of years and up in Summit County. I have yet to see a snowshoe hare but have been looking extensively! A lot of the online research studies about them suggest spruce/fir forests above 10k ft. I think I've been spending too much time in lodgepole. Good luck & have fun!
Used to find them up high in thick timber. Cottontails and Jack Rabbits in the sage flats. Shot my limit west of Craig many years ago.
Titan_bow , you find out any good beta last year for those snowshoes? I've got several this year, but they are just few and far between. Would be nice to find a spot that has a little more concentration.
Man there were an absolute ton of them up Elk hunting last week. Wife and I were joking that there may have been a Watership Down type staging and prewar accumulation. The trails one some of these things looked like deer trails in the snow. I had my suppressed 22lr pistol and thought about popping a few but I hadn't researched anything about them nor even knew if they were in season so left it alone. I think I may have to put them on the menu next year.
Man there were an absolute ton of them up Elk hunting last week. Wife and I were joking that there may have been a Watership Down type staging and prewar accumulation. The trails one some of these things looked like deer trails in the snow. I had my suppressed 22lr pistol and thought about popping a few but I hadn't researched anything about them nor even knew if they were in season so left it alone. I think I may have to put them on the menu next year.
That's awesome! I need to find a spot like that.. Either way, it's nice to walk around in the woods.
That's awesome! I need to find a spot like that.. Either way, it's nice to walk around in the woods.
These all seemed to be around 10,300 to 10,400 a few hare and thare lower but mostly started around there where the snow was stuck good and deep. I'll be more prepared next time and have some recipes ready for camp grub.
Quick story. I grew up on the eastern plains of Colorado and moved to Montrose after high school. I saw some white rabbits and decided I was going snowshoe hunting, only to find out after shooting the first two that they were jackrabbits that turn white in the winter. I never saw one in the eastern plains and did not realize some jackrabbits did the same.
I see loads of them from 9.5-10.5 I generally just snow shoe around where I see tracks and you will start to bump them or they will come out in the am or around dusk. They are really cool critters, and I have a pelt or two, my issue is eating them, they are definitely survival food IMO… I’d rather eat cotton tail.