Small 6 pointer strut-stomping (not spooked), anyone knows why?

Jan 17, 2024
I was in my stand, looking at a small 6 pointer, walking the strut-stomp, little guy wasn't spooked, he wasn't doing the regular stomp think, he was just walking around, straighting out his legs, stepping extra hard. Anyone knows what's that about (yes I tried googling it).
I've had does do that in places that have a lot of nearby human activity. I've always figured they knew something was off, but don't spook as easily as deer in wilder areas.
I had an 8 point do that to me yesterday in my backyard. He had been guarding a hot doe in the fence all day and I needed them to get out so I could let my dogs out.

I stomped back and snorted at him and he got pretty confused. LOL.
Sounds like he (i) felt something was off but not enough to outright blow out or (ii) had that good young buck testosterone flowing where they don't know what to do with it and just generally act more aggressive even if there are no other deer nearby
He caught movement, scent or just knew something wasnt right, so he was trying to get “whatever” (meaning you) to show itself or make itself known.
common deer behavior, he was just carrying on a little linger than you thought he should.
I've had them do that when they wind me but can't figure out where I am or what I am. They usually settle down and go back to doing whatever they were doing after a few minutes.