Slug gun recommendations


Mar 15, 2018
For 2025, I will be hunting whitetail in a shotgun only county in Minnesota. First time hunting in a shotgun only zone. Any recommendations on a slug gun, scope, and/or tips? Appreciate the input! Thanks!
I have a savage 220 sitting at the shop waiting to be picked up. I researched it quite a bit and pretty much everything pointed to the savage 220 as the best option. They certainly aren’t “nice” guns…pretty basic stock and they cycle a bit rough but accuracy is supposed to be the best which matters the most to me. I’m using in a pretty open area where getting the most out of its range is necessary, so I’m putting a spare swfa 3-9 on it and going to gather drop data on it to at least 200 yards.
I agree with the savage 220, along with the accutips. Hopefully MN will wake up and allow straight wall cartridges soon.
Yes sir! Had a brain fart!

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I do it all the time, I actually went and looked at mine to make sure before I posted.

I have both a 695 Mossberg and a Savage 220. While I much prefer the 220, the 695 is a shooter in its on right.
Appreciate the replies! Looks like I’ll be looking for a 220 with accutips. Hopefully, they’re not too difficult to find left handed.
I'd also look into an AR pistol if that floats your boat.

I just use a smokeless muzzleloader on the rare occasion i hunt a slug zone. have an 870 with rifled barrel and cantilever scope mount but really dont like shooting it.
If you already have an 870 or a 500 a cantilever slug barrel can be had for very cheap if you know where to look.

A Savage 220 is also a great option.

The H&R single shots for some reason have gotten crazy expensive but they are also great. The people pushing a 20 gauge know what they're talking about. When it comes to sabots there's very little difference in downrange energy and The recoil difference is substantial

Is it truly shotgun only or a straight-walled cartridge zone? Cause a 350 legend or a 450 Bushmaster are both going to be cheaper to shoot and way less recoil, plus the better accuracy of a centerfire metallic cartridge.

Best of luck!