Sleeping pads

I missed the insulated part in his post. My bad. BA makes an Air Core too. I was confused.

The main downfall of the IAC is its weight. Even the mummy is 21 ounces but the full rectangle pad is 24 ounces.

While heavier it has kept me warm even below zero a couple of times. I can't say the UL7 has done that for me. The comfort rating started dropping out around 25degr. for me.
Great early season pad though.
While heavier it has kept me warm even below zero a couple of times. I can't say the UL7 has done that for me. The comfort rating started dropping out around 25degr. for me.
Great early season pad though.

That makes sense. I have slept on the pad down to the low 20s and was perfectly warm in my Marmot Helium but I have a silk/cotton bag liner and I also sleep in my thin merino long underwear and socks.

For Sept. elk hunts the UL 7 is perfect for me. I have never seen the temps drop below 20 degrees in late Sept., plus my Nallo GT 4 seems to keep us about 10-20 degree warmer than it is outside.

For any winter camping I prefer my DM 9 DLX with an R-value of 8.0. It's the king of comfort and weight but you can't beat the specs and 3.5" of thickness. ;)

The DM UL looks like a good option for your needs.
Neoair for me. Just make sure and bring a patch kit if you do the floor less TP. It sucks when it's flat. But so did my last pad.
How is the durability of the Neoair and UL 7 compared to the Big Agnes IAC? I would like to shave a few ounces but I trust my Big Agnes pad.
MY BA aircore developed a slow leak the second season I used it. I still have it, and it still leaks slowly.

My Neoair has only one season on it, but no leaks so far.
MY BA aircore developed a slow leak the second season I used it. I still have it, and it still leaks slowly.

My Neoair has only one season on it, but no leaks so far.

We had two BA IAC pads develop leaks after quite a bit of use/abuse. We sent them back and Big Agnes sent us brand new pads free of charge (we might have paid shipping)!

Several years of pretty extensive use with the NeoAirs and we have had no problems. That being said, they simply don't insulate well in temps below freezing, which is why we have both them and BA IAC in our gear arsenal :)
How is the durability of the Neoair and UL 7 compared to the Big Agnes IAC? I would like to shave a few ounces but I trust my Big Agnes pad.

My Neoair developed a leak after the second or third trip with it. They did replace it quickly, but I sold it off. I have not had any problems with the UL7 yet. I don't have a whole lot of time with it.
On my seventh, and second year of no problems with the BAIAC.
We had two BA IAC pads develop leaks after quite a bit of use/abuse. We sent them back and Big Agnes sent us brand new pads free of charge (we might have paid shipping)!

Several years of pretty extensive use with the NeoAirs and we have had no problems. That being said, they simply don't insulate well in temps below freezing, which is why we have both them and BA IAC in our gear arsenal :)

Good to hear. I had a similar experience with Exped. After 4 years my DM9 DLX developed a very slow leak. I sent it back to Exped and they told me that moisture had caused a seam to break down (ie. rot). They sent me a brand new upgraded pad free of charge. A few months later my pops laid his tent and DM9 DLX on a bed of cactus in Eastern MT. As soon as he laid down, the cactus poked about 50 holes in the pad. I sent it to Exped hoping that they would fix it but they replaced it despite knowing what happened. Sounds like great customer service is the norm out there. ;)
Question for you ul7 guys, I have a permission slip from wifey to buy one from rei while on sale, question is, do any of you guys use them with a big Agnes bag, I have a lost ranger and want to see if it is compatible, I checked em out today at rei and do not foresee an issue but wanted to double check, thanks guys and gals.
Question for you ul7 guys, I have a permission slip from wifey to buy one from rei while on sale, question is, do any of you guys use them with a big Agnes bag, I have a lost ranger and want to see if it is compatible, I checked em out today at rei and do not foresee an issue but wanted to double check, thanks guys and gals.

No idea. Sorry.
Thermarest neo air is 2.5" thick, weighs less than a pound, and is very tough. I have over 200 nights on mine. I guess they have a newer, more durable one.

It is the best I have used and haven't look at others since, so that is the only one I know of, it is about $170, but worth every cent!!