Sleeping Pad Preparedness


Jun 30, 2016
For the first time in my life, I had a sleeping pad blow out on me. I was completely unprepared for this. So after getting home, I bought a patch kit, patched it up, and put the rest of the kit in my tool roll for my next trip. Well next trip came, sleeping pad blew out again. I had the kit, but I couldn't find where it was losing air. There was water less then a mile away, which could have helped me locate the leak. But it was around 4pm, and it was gonna be well below freezing, and I figured a soaked pad would do me worst then a flat pad.

So does anybody carry some type of leak locator with them on long trips when using inflatable pads? Or is there a technique you use to locate the leak that doesn't compromise the pads R value? Or is closed cell the way to go in any weather? I just hate carrying them around.

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I’ve always been fortunate to be able to locate the leak and make the repair with Aquaseal or tenacious tape with punctures. I had an REI pad fail and I could not figure it out until I got home. Entire face of the fabric failed and the entire surface was covered with soapy bubbles. It was NOT repairable and it was cold finishing that trip. I have blown a baffle on another with my fat ass and that a miserable few nights.
Bottom line for me is to have a repair kit and do my best to clean the ground, use a ground sheet and protect my pad. I also carry a Zfold foam pad cut down to six sections for glassing. In a pinch, it’d keep my torso off the ground.
I’ve always been fortunate to be able to locate the leak and make the repair with Aquaseal or tenacious tape with punctures. I had an REI pad fail and I could not figure it out until I got home. Entire face of the fabric failed and the entire surface was covered with soapy bubbles. It was NOT repairable and it was cold finishing that trip. I have blown a baffle on one too with my fat ass and that a miserable few nights.
This was an REI pad as well. I've had good luck with them in the past. But this one pad seems to be rotting or something.

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When I couldn’t find the leak on that REI pad I decided to put it in the shower and suds it up. Literally the entire one face of the fabric was bubbling and loosing air.
I have had pads fail on me twice, neither time could I locate the leak in the field or the tub at home. Both I sent back to the respective manufacturers for repair and they sent back new pads. I still carry tenacious tape and a small tube of uv aquaseal. For long trips I carry a torso length foam pad in addition to my primary inflatable, and before the trip I'll inflate the pad in my garage and set a weight on it and leave it for a few days to see if it has devolved any pin holes.
I had a pad leak down fast enough that I had to refill it every hour or less to stay off the ground at 25 degrees. By morning I had all my clothes on, including Primaloft mil level trousers, which thank goodness I brought. Could not find the leak, and was really too tired to mess with it that night.

If I'm going to be in anything below freezing I'm bringing a backup short SOlite pad. R2. 2, 9 oz, $20.

I'm contemplating taking a second Xlite pad if temps will be subzero, but a short one, which would be 8 oz. But that's a lot of expense.

Like duchntr I fill my pad days before a trip and put a weight on it to make it isn't slow leaking.
Always have tenacious tape in my pack. Man that stuff is tough. I patched a camelback 4 years ago and that thing still doesn’t leak.

Knock on wood I haven’t had a pad blowout yet. I do always sleep on Tyvek and check for sharps before I put it down.

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Do y'all think using a powder wind indicator could be useful in locating small punctures on pads? With the pad fully inflated, maybe using the wind indicator horizontally across the pad. Maybe as long as you had some wet wipes to clean up any powder residue before patching. It'd be easy to carry along. Wouldn't get them all I'm sure.

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Do y'all think using a powder wind indicator could be useful in locating small punctures on pads? With the pad fully inflated, maybe using the wind indicator horizontally across the pad. Maybe as long as you had some wet wipes to clean up any powder residue before patching. It'd be easy to carry along. Wouldn't get them all I'm sure.

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I forgot to add that both of the pads that leaked on me were Nemo Tensors. No issues so far with my two Thermarests (Xlite and Trail lite).
I've always had Thermarest before these REI pads. Never had any issues with my Thermarest either.

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Do y'all think using a powder wind indicator could be useful in locating small punctures on pads? With the pad fully inflated, maybe using the wind indicator horizontally across the pad. Maybe as long as you had some wet wipes to clean up any powder residue before patching. It'd be easy to carry along. Wouldn't get them all I'm sure.

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That is a damned innovative idea! 👍
what brand is it? I had a Therm-a-Rest Neo air that had a leak I couldn't find, so I sent it back to them and they ended up sending me a new pad
I’ve been able to find leaks using my nose, the inside of your nose is very sensitive and can feel the air coming out.

I used to do that to find goat head holes in my bicycle tires, works on pads too.
I have had a couple go on me over the years. I tend to haul a closed cell pad and use them together. Depending on the trip I use:

Ridge rest long - biggest and most comfort
Zrest -
Zrest 3/4
Seek outside matty mcmatt face

The last one is cut to 25” wide and rolls up small. In addition to the extra comfort, I get protection for my inflator, more R value and sit pad for camp and glassing.
what brand is it? I had a Therm-a-Rest Neo air that had a leak I couldn't find, so I sent it back to them and they ended up sending me a new pad
It's an REI Pad. It's only a couple years old, but I'm afraid to use it anymore. Looking back on the reviews, they have since gotten a lot of bad reviews on these particular pads leaking.

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I’ve been able to find leaks using my nose, the inside of your nose is very sensitive and can feel the air coming out.

I used to do that to find goat head holes in my bicycle tires, works on pads too.
Man, that is a good technique. I can see how that would work. Imma have to give that a try. Very primitive technique, which I like.

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I have had a couple go on me over the years. I tend to haul a closed cell pad and use them together. Depending on the trip I use:

Ridge rest long - biggest and most comfort
Zrest -
Zrest 3/4
Seek outside matty mcmatt face

The last one is cut to 25” wide and rolls up small. In addition to the extra comfort, I get protection for my inflator, more R value and sit pad for camp and glassing.
I'm leaning towards carrying a second pad as well. I'll still carry all the possibles to fix a leaking sleeping pad. I like the idea of trimming down a closed cell pad. I used to bring a Long Back Crazy Creek Chair for this particular thing, but they take up a lot of space, whether it's on the inside or out.

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