Slc vs el


Sep 2, 2017
Hi guys, need ur advice on an issue I've been wrestling with for weeks, I'm about to purchase a like new slc hd 15x56, had my heart set on a 12x40 el, but too much money. So I guess I'm asking how much am I gonna miss getting the slc hd instead of the el's. Anyone got hands on experience with the 2 side by side. I'm mostly in wide open country where I'm planning to do distant viewing but also interested in looking at birds close up. Thanks in advance
I looked thru both last week, side by side. One was a EL 10x42 the other SLC 10x42. Like you I just couldn't pay the extra $$$$ for the Els.
I have been previously using Vortex Razor 10x42, which I thought were decent and still do, but even the SLC's were much better IMO.
But I couldn't really tell a huge, noticeable difference in the SLC to the Els. It was middle of day, good light. Perhaps the difference is lower light.
My SLC's were new version though, not sure if this makes a difference or not.

I am just glad to have Swarovski all the way thru my glass set up now. It really is a better glass.
In other words, you wont go wrong getting the SLC's.
I have both, they are both excellent. While my ELs may on a given day edge out my SLCs ...I really like the ergonomics of the SLCs.
You really won’t be lacking in anything with either pair.
Thanks for replying guys, really appreciate it, gonna sleep better knowing I probably didn't goof on the decision.
Im a huge fan of the SLC for the money. Not saying the EL is not slightly better, because it is. However, given the price difference, it isn't worth it to me.
I can't speak for the 12's (yet) but I'm selling my 15's to get some 12's. IMO the heat rays were so bad in the 15's that you might as well just have a spotter. Save the little bit more and get the 12's

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I can't speak for the 12's (yet) but I'm selling my 15's to get some 12's. IMO the heat rays were so bad in the 15's that you might as well just have a spotter. Save the little bit more and get the 12's

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That's what everyone seems to be leaning towards,have decided to go 10x50 el for best all around binos. Thanks for replying.
I wrestled with this same decision several years ago. After comparing both of them side by side I couldn't justify the price difference for the EL's. I have ran the SLC's for several years now and it is one piece of equipment that I can't foresee myself parting with.
I was told by a guy in retail, the Swarovski said the binos above 10x42 lose out on detail. That was before they came out with the newer 12's
He had a used set of 10x42 SLC and 15x50 there- priced respectfully.
I opted for the 10x42 as I back pack hunt more than anything.

I really want a pair of 12x50 though.
At that magnification you need to be considering using a tripod. Nobody can hold 12x or 15x steady enough for long span glassing, even if they think they can. Anything over 10x in heat waves or mirage can become useless pretty fast. If you do a lot of viewing in open ground where heat waves are problematic then you, in my humble opinion, a HELL of a lot better off, if you have no plans for using a tripod to not go higher than 10x.
Your explanation pretty much sums up my situation, so I'll probably stick to no more then 10x. Thanks for replying
I'm surprised that's there's never been anything said about the supposedly excellent zeiss victory sf??
you won't notice the difference. The SLC's don't have the edge to edge clarity (swarovision), but in several optical tests, they actually have more clarity/ definition/ color contrast in the center.
We just did side by side testing again on my last hunt with the SLChd 15's and the EL 12x50's.

The 12's are just better, and you can hand hold them reasonably well and once they're on a tripod, they're excellent. Plus, the 12's can be your only set vs a set of 15's where you will need 2.
I agree that 12x Els are the best glass in the swaro line up. I love my pair. that said there is no way in hell I am carting them around in a harness, and free on a stalk..forget it. If they aren't on my tripod I am not using them.

Now 12x EL vs 15X SLC....i agree the 12x all day..the( swaro ) nailed it with the game finding glass I ever looked through.

My 8x32el and 12x50el is my most used combo, however if am only taking one set .. then I run my 10x42 SLC
In CO last week my buddy and I compared our glass- both our binos were on tripods- He was using 15x56 SLC's and I was using 10x42 EL's. Both are just plain excellent. Where we noticed a difference was when looking into shadows- where the larger and higher powered SLC's shined. We both felt the EL's provided about 95% of the SLC's ability when looking into shadows but in a smaller package. Pluses and minuses to each option but overall we both agreed the EL's were the way to go if backpacking... Especially if you carry a scope with you like we both do. With out a doubt the bigger EL's (12x50) would be incredible for everything but back packing and are a little smaller than the 15x56 SLC's... Hope this helps with your decision...

I have had 8x32 CL, 15x56 SLC, 10x42EL Range and of course an ATX and BTX. I have narrowed it all down to the 10x42 EL Range and the ATX with a 65 for 90 percent of my hunting. I have the BTX for those few times I am driving around in the SxS, wheeler or truck- totally unnecessary but so darn cool.